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Strategic Planning and Organizational Development for Health Care (HS 450) Arturo E. Rodriguez, PhD (c), MPH Week 2-Culture and.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Planning and Organizational Development for Health Care (HS 450) Arturo E. Rodriguez, PhD (c), MPH Week 2-Culture and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Planning and Organizational Development for Health Care (HS 450) Arturo E. Rodriguez, PhD (c), MPH Week 2-Culture and Diversity in Healthcare

2 Unit 1 discussion board review In what ways will the healthcare industry need to change its managerial practices to remain productive? In what ways will the healthcare industry need to change its managerial practices to remain productive? Restructure into integrated delivery networks (example Kaiser Permanente) Restructure into integrated delivery networks (example Kaiser Permanente) Increased productivity with less revenue and increased competition Increased productivity with less revenue and increased competition Movement towards team-managed environments (committees) Movement towards team-managed environments (committees)

3 Unit 1 discussion board review Which of the academic disciplines associated with organizational behavior are the most important for healthcare managers? Why? Which of the academic disciplines associated with organizational behavior are the most important for healthcare managers? Why? Organizational Theory Organizational Theory Organizational Development Organizational Development Human Resources Management Human Resources Management Psychology Psychology Sociology Sociology Social Psychology Social Psychology Anthropology Anthropology Why-Whatever reason you give is fine!!! Why-Whatever reason you give is fine!!!

4 Unit 1 discussion board review Does the Hawthorne effect exist today in modern healthcare organizations? (Give an example.) Does the Hawthorne effect exist today in modern healthcare organizations? (Give an example.) Yes….it exists everywhere!! The Hawthorne effect is the act of modifying your behavior in response simply to being watched, and not by any experimental condition. Employees modify their behavior (sit up straight, begin typing, staple papers, etc.) whenever the boss walks in or is around. Yes….it exists everywhere!! The Hawthorne effect is the act of modifying your behavior in response simply to being watched, and not by any experimental condition. Employees modify their behavior (sit up straight, begin typing, staple papers, etc.) whenever the boss walks in or is around. Do you ever slow down at the sight of a cop…even if you are not speeding? Have you ever told your doctor that you exercise 30 minutes a day when you really exercise 30 minutes a week (I’M GUILTY OF THAT) Do you ever slow down at the sight of a cop…even if you are not speeding? Have you ever told your doctor that you exercise 30 minutes a day when you really exercise 30 minutes a week (I’M GUILTY OF THAT) Turnitin-Universities are banking on the fact that students will modify their behavior because they are aware that they are being watched. Turnitin-Universities are banking on the fact that students will modify their behavior because they are aware that they are being watched.

5 What is Diversity? Diversity is defined as “the full range of human similarities and differences in group affiliation including gender, race/ethnicity, social class, role within an organization, age, religion, sexual orientation, physical ability, and other group identities.” (Dreachslin, 1998)

6 Changing U.S. Demographics Ethnic and racial composition of America Ethnic and racial composition of America Aging of the population Aging of the population Gender and education levels by age groups Gender and education levels by age groups

7 What is Cultural Competency? A set of congruent behaviors, attitudes and policies that come together in a system, agency or among professionals that enables effective work in cross- cultural situations. ‘ Culture ’ refers to integrated patterns of human behavior that include the language, thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values, and institutions of racial, ethnic, religious or social groups. ‘ Competence ’ implies having the capacity to function effectively as an individual and an organization within the context of the cultural beliefs, behaviors and needs presented by consumers and their communities. (HHS Office of Minority Health, 1999)

8 Implications for the Healthcare Industry Need to be “ cultural competent ” to serve diverse patient populations Need to be “ cultural competent ” to serve diverse patient populations Increase need of healthcare services as the population continues to age Increase need of healthcare services as the population continues to age Lack of younger and diverse workers entering healthcare professions Lack of younger and diverse workers entering healthcare professions Lack of women and other minorities in healthcare leadership roles Lack of women and other minorities in healthcare leadership roles

9 Diversity Management Diversity management is defined as “a strategically driven process whose emphasis is on building skills and creating policies that will address the changing demographics of the workforce and patient population.” (Svehla, 1994; Weech-Maldonado, et al. 2002).

10 What is an Attitude? An attitude is a mind set or tendency to act in a particular way due to both an individual ’ s experience and temperament. An attitude is a mind set or tendency to act in a particular way due to both an individual ’ s experience and temperament.

11 Tri-Component Model of Attitudes Feelings Beliefs Actions

12 Cognitive Dissonance Any inconsistency that a person perceives between two or more of one ’ s attitudes or between one ’ s behavior and attitudes. Any inconsistency that a person perceives between two or more of one ’ s attitudes or between one ’ s behavior and attitudes.

13 How are Attitudes Formed? Learned Learned Modeling Modeling Experiences Experiences

14 Changing Attitudes Address the cognitive and emotional components Address the cognitive and emotional components Provide new information Provide new information Changing someone ’ s attitudes takes time, effort and determination!

15 Perception Perception is the process by which individuals interpret and organize sensation to produce a meaningful experience of the world. Perception is the process by which individuals interpret and organize sensation to produce a meaningful experience of the world. An individual ’ s perception is his/her reality!

16 Perception Process

17 Attribution Theory

18 Social Perception How an individual “ sees ” others and how others perceive an individual. How an individual “ sees ” others and how others perceive an individual. Halo effect Halo effect Contrast effect Contrast effect Projection Projection Stereotyping Stereotyping Pygmalion effect Pygmalion effect Impression management Impression management

19 Employee Selection Identify key invariant qualities of individuals that match up well with the demands of the position and the culture of the organization. Identify key invariant qualities of individuals that match up well with the demands of the position and the culture of the organization. Skills Skills Character Character Motivation Motivation Attitude Attitude Leadership potential Leadership potential Personality Personality

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