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* The collection of powerful ideas formerly known as String Theory Dark Energy: 2020 Vision DPF SNOWMISS SLAC Cosmic Frontier Workshop 6 to 8 March 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "* The collection of powerful ideas formerly known as String Theory Dark Energy: 2020 Vision DPF SNOWMISS SLAC Cosmic Frontier Workshop 6 to 8 March 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 * The collection of powerful ideas formerly known as String Theory Dark Energy: 2020 Vision DPF SNOWMISS SLAC Cosmic Frontier Workshop 6 to 8 March 2013 Michael S. Turner Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics

2 Remarkable time in cosmology (Golden Age??) driven by powerful ideas and powerful instruments, revealing deep connections between quarks and the cosmos

3 Michael S Turner The pillars of cosmology are rooted in particle physics Inflation: brief period of rapid (accelerated) expansion accounts for smoothness, flatness; heat of the big bang; and seed inhomogeneities Particle dark matter: bulk of the dark matter that holds the Universe together resides in a sea of elementary particles left over from the big bang Dark energy: cause of accelerated expansion and 73% of the Universe

4 Consensus Cosmology Consensus Cosmology based upon precision measurements From quark soup to nuclei and atoms to galaxies and large-scale structure Flat, accelerating Universe Atoms, exotic dark matter & dark energy Consistent with inflation Precision cosmological parameters –Ω 0 = 1.005 ± 0.006 (uncurved) –Ω M = 0.273 ± 0.014 –Ω B = 0.046 ± 0.0016 –Ω DE = 0.73 ± 0.015 –H 0 = 70.4 ± 1.3 km/s/Mpc –t 0 = 13.75 ± 0.11 Gyr –N ν = 3.86 ± 0.42 Consistent with all data, laboratory and cosmological!

5 Michael S Turner The Universe circa 380,000 yrs WMAP ±0.001% Fluctuations

6 Michael S Turner Curve = concordance cosmology

7 Michael S Turner Consensus Cosmology DARK MATTERDARK ENERGY INFLATION Rests upon three mysterious pillars All implicate new physics!

8 Best Direct Evidence for New Physics Dark Matter Inflation Dark Energy Michael S Turner

9 The Discovery Data Perlmutter et al, 1999 Riess et al, 1998

10 … and Dr. Sandage, H 0 is now measured and q 0 is negative!

11 Carl Sagan: Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence

12 More SNe data, more methods (BAO, CL, ISW, growth of structure) – stronger signal

13 Michael S Turner Ω Λ = 0.727 ± 0.015 Certified by Sweden!

14 So, it’s Lambda??!## Michael S Turner Λ

15 Why isn’t lambda good enough? Short answer: no good theory for it!

16 The theory menu Vacuum energy Landscape Rolling scalar field (quintessence) Very elastic topological defects Modified gravity Dark energy/dark matter models Hole in the Universe ?? All have profound implications for both cosmology and particle physics

17 Two Big Dark Questions “break the null hypothesis: Λ + GR” Does Dark Energy change with time? (i.e., is dark energy vacuum energy) Does Cosmic Acceleration require going beyond General Relativity? No, at the 10% level Not well tested

18 Michael S Turner w = -1.07 ± 0.08 Sullivan et al 2011 Constant w dark energy

19 Michael S Turner Sullivan et al 2011 w a = -0.98 ± 1.1 w 0 = -0.91 ± 0.2 w = w 0 + w a (1 – a)

20 Strategy Circa 2006 Four methods: WL, BAO, SNe, Clusters Strategy: Narrow down to two major projects from diversity of stage I and II efforts Stage III –South Pole Telescope (CL) –Dark Energy Survey (WL, BAO, SNe, CL) –BOsS (BAO) –… Stage IV –LSST: WL, BAO, (SNe) –JDEM: WL, BAO, SNe

21 Michael S Turner Four “Stage IV” Futures

22 1. w = -1 & theory breakthrough Percent level measurements of w and w a and LSS consistent with ΛCDM + Theoretical understanding of small vacuum energy  Problem Solved for Cosmologists and Particle Physicists

23 2. “w = -1” & theory breakthrough Percent level measurements of w and w a and LSS consistent with ΛCDM + New compelling theoretical prediction for time variation of w and/or w a – just beyond the reach of Stage IV  Problem Solved for Cosmologists, Particle Physicists think about Stage V

24 3. “w ≠ -1” or w a ≠ 0 Detection of signature that DE is not vacuum energy  Potential implications for both particle physics and cosmology With or without theoretical breakthrough both Cosmologists, Particle Physicists think about what to measure in Stage V

25 4. w = -1 & no theory breakthrough Percent level measurements of w and w a and LSS consistent with ΛCDM + No theoretical understanding of small vacuum energy  Problem solved for cosmologists, but not for particle physicists “Time out”: take a break and think hard about what to do next

26 That was then, this is now

27 Now DES: WL, CL, SNe, BAO (also SPT, CL) BOsS: BAO Ahead LSST (2020?): WL, BAO, (SNe) Euclid (2020?): WL, BAO, RSD – New! MS-DESI N/S(pre-2020?): BAO, RSD e Rosita (201?): CL Also ahead (less certain, some just ideas) WFIRST (202?): SNe, WL, BAO BAO-21 cm (post 2020): BAO z = 0.5 to 1.5

28 My Observations First, recall complementarity (cosmic/practical) WL (most powerful, fewest results), RSD (very powerful, untested), BAO (powerful, results), SNe (powerful, proven), CL (don’t forget!) Underinvested (given proven value): SNe Overinvested?: WL, BAO, RSD What about new ideas? Another falsification of Λ: clustering Missing: “regular order” Strategic narrowing/staging of efforts Natural pause between Stage IV and V

29 Path Forward Make sure current projects are as successful as possible (may provide clues) Emphasize synergy/complementarity in planning Re-think high-z SNe (e.g., WFIRST) New ideas/tests welcome/needed for beyond 2020 (e.g., clustering) Decision point for diminishing returns (where/when)


31 Youbetcha Katie, I believe in Dark Energy – we can see it from Alaska!

32 Cosmic Complementarity Supernovae: simple geometric probe; fine grained BAO: geometric + simple physics; course grained WL: geometric + dynamical, most powerful Clusters: dynamical + geometric CMB: important cosmological priors (esp. for BAO, Ω M h 2 ) LSS: dynamical tests

33 “Worldly” Complementarity Supernovae –Assumption: SNeIa are standard candles –Mature: only method that has detected acceleration by itself; warts uncovered –Narrow field –z 0.8 (space) BAO –Assumption: standard ruler + simple gravitational physics –Immature: 2 detections; systematics? –Wide field –Space and ground WL –Assumption: CDM, multi-parameter PS –Immature: technical challenges, unknown systematics, σ 8 /Ω M knowledge needed –Potentially most powerful probe –Wide field –Space and ground Clusters: –Assumption: CDM + Gaussian perturbations –Immature: first results; systematics still need to be understood –Wide field –Ground and space (x-ray)

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