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POEMS Free verse / Formal structure. explanations?

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1 POEMS Free verse / Formal structure. explanations?
Trichinella (nematode) larva is “dormant” in muscle tissue spiral, white released by in stomach juice 20x24. Acrylic..

2 description  waiting

3 schistosomes “blood flukes” schistosomiasis
MERCK INSTITUTE FOR THERAPEUTIC RESEARCH schistosomes “blood flukes” schistosomiasis therapy [7 years] [contraceptive]

4 double and quadruple rhyme in each verse.
SCHISTOSOME SEX monoecius/dioecious NEXT POEM  more rhymes than lines double and quadruple rhyme in each verse. 18x24 in. Acrylic.

5 Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 31: 4, 1988

6 About half-a-dozen scientists died of Yellow Fever
BARGAIN About half-a-dozen scientists died of Yellow Fever while investigating it and three or four lay volunteers so let’s say ten all told give or take a couple and then millions of people didn’t die of Yellow Fever and that’s a pretty good bargain any way you look at it isn’t it? answer me. dammit, answer me! William C. Campbell.

7 “River Blindness” Onchocerca volvulus ONCHOCERCIASIS
Mectizan® ivermectin, Merck & Co., Inc.

8 Next poem -- about Onchocerca
-- it is the larvae that cause blindness, -- most larvae are in skin, not eye. Again from worm’s point of view).

9 Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 32:108, 988.

10 Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 12, 580, 1989

11 “CAGED” Poems: preferably multiple hearings …the poem is not about malaria or the parasite …the poem is not about songbirds in cages, …the poem is about? a complex issue not taking a stand – a reflection

12 Elizabethan sonnet … a parasite in a cameo role (agent of MALARIA) … spoken in the voice of the parasite … … a parasite that is not happy with the way humans presume to assign importance to various animals.

13 156 | Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 31,1. Autumn 1987

14 THE SONNET ITAL. a b --- c d ENG. a b c d e f --- g ROSS & GRASSI a b c d --- e POEM  Reflection on priority disputes. Discovery that the malaria parasite, Plasmodium, Is transmitted by mosquito. Italianate in the turn; English in couplet; Atypical in rhyme.

15 Perspectives in Medicine and Biology 33: 49, 1989. William. C. Campbell

16 VILLANELLE VIRUS (HIV) a Line 1 b Line 2 a Line 3 19 lines, 2 rhymes .
13 lines, rhyme a 6 lines, rhyme b (2 lines 4x) . VIRUS (HIV) The next-to-last poem: deals with a pathogenic microbe – the AIDS VIRUS. It lies outside the conventional boundaries of ‘parasite’, but of course it can be considered a very parasitic organism. The picture is small because I have never liked it – but it is the only one in which I have included a virus! The structure of the villanelle is more bizarre than any of the other structures I have mentioned -- involving a complex repetiton, not just of rhymes but of whole lines -- best known is Dylan Thomas’ Do not go gentle into that good night. [Do not go gentle .] AIDS … would be presumptuous Written in1980s, AIDS more fatal then.

17 Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 32: 1988


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