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Jeopardy RepublicPeopleTermsReligion Conflicts Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy RepublicPeopleTermsReligion Conflicts Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy RepublicPeopleTermsReligion Conflicts Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Republic The chief executives of government In the Roman Republic were called

4 $100 Answer from Republic consuls

5 $200 Question from Republic In a republic, power rests with the

6 $200 Answer from Republic People (who select their leaders)

7 $300 Question from Republic The first code of Roman laws were called

8 $300 Answer from Republic The Twelve Tables

9 $400 Question from Republic In times of crisis, the Roman Republic could choose a

10 $400 Answer from Republic dictator

11 $500 Question from Republic The Roman Senate consisted of this many senators

12 $500 Answer from Republic 300

13 $100 Question from People Which emperor divided the empire Into Greek-speaking East and Latin- Speaking West?

14 $100 Answer from People Diocletian

15 $200 Question from People The triumvirate of Julius Caesar, Crassus, and _________ ruled Rome for 10 years.

16 $200 Answer from Republic Pompey

17 $300 Question from People In 218 B.C., he sought revenge against the Romans from his first loss

18 $300 Answer from People Hannibal

19 $400 Question from People This Roman emperor moved to the capital of the Roman Empire to Byzantine.

20 $400 Answer from People Constantine

21 $500 Question from People Which Roman emperor brought the greatest amount of peace and prosperity?

22 $500 Answer from People Marcus Aurelias

23 $100 Question from Terms What were Roman military forces called?

24 $100 Answer from Terms Legions

25 $200 Question from Terms What were the common citizens of Rome called?

26 $200 Answer from Terms Plebeians

27 $300 Question from Terms A ______________ is group of Three rulers.

28 $300 Answer from Terms Triumvirate

29 $400 Question from Terms The Roman Empire hired _________ who fought for money instead of loyalty.

30 $400 Answer from Terms Mercenaries

31 $500 Question from Terms Roman peace and prosperity is Referred to as

32 $500 Answer from Terms Pax Romana

33 $100 Question from Religion Who is considered to be the first Pope of the Christian Church?

34 $100 Answer from Religion Peter

35 $200 Question from Religion Roman rulers opposed Christianity because Christians did not do this.

36 $200 Answer from Religion Worship Roman Gods

37 $300 Question from Religion The forcing of Jews into exile is called

38 $300 Answer from Religion Diaspora

39 $400 Question from Religion What is the main source of information About the life of Jesus of Nazareth?

40 $400 Answer from Religion The Gospels

41 $500 Question from Religion Constantine issues this after winning a crucial battle thus approving of Christianity.

42 $500 Answer from Religion Edict of Milan

43 $100 Question from Conflicts The wars between Rome and Carthage is known as

44 $100 Answer from Conflicts Punic Wars

45 $200 Question from Conflicts This leader of the Huns negotiated with the Pope to stay out of Rome

46 $200 Answer from Conflicts Attila

47 $300 Question from Conflicts Octavian believed that __________ ______ was trying to rule the Roman Empire from Egypt.

48 $300 Answer from Conflicts Marc Antony

49 $400 Question from Conflicts During a time of crisis, the Roman dictator would serve how long before giving back power to the Senate?

50 $400 Answer from Conflicts 6 months

51 $500 Question from Conflicts Why did Germanic people invade the Roman Empire?

52 $500 Answer from Conflicts Fear of attack by the Huns

53 Final Jeopardy Who was the Roman Governor that had Jesus crucified?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Pontius Pilate

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