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1 The Importance of Employing Best Practices for Coal Mine Methane (CMM) Drainage and Use Southwest China Coal Mine Methane (CMM) Development Best Practices.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Importance of Employing Best Practices for Coal Mine Methane (CMM) Drainage and Use Southwest China Coal Mine Methane (CMM) Development Best Practices."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Importance of Employing Best Practices for Coal Mine Methane (CMM) Drainage and Use Southwest China Coal Mine Methane (CMM) Development Best Practices Workshop December 8-9, 2015 Guiyang, Guizhou, China Felicia A. Ruiz, Climate Change Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)

2 2 Best Practices Guidance for Effective Methane Drainage and Use in Coal Mines  Coal mines are not only a safety management challenge but a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. Methane release during coal mining creates unsafe working conditions in underground coal mines around the world.  The Best Practices Guidance intends to improve mine safety practices at active underground coal mines, by supporting safer mining practices to reduce fatalities, injuries, and property losses, while encouraging the use of CMM to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and utilize otherwise wasted energy resources.  Collaborative project between United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane and the Global Methane Initiative (GMI) –Drafted by international CMM technical experts; peer reviewed and published in 2010 –U.S. EPA financially supported outreach workshops organized by UNECE in China (October 2010), Kazakhstan (May 2011), and Ukraine (September 2011) –Guidance updated in 2015 to reflect market changes since original publication; case studies added –In January 2016, UNECE Group of Experts on CMM will undertake new U.S EPA- funded project to further disseminate Best Practices Guidance in China, India, Kazakhstan and/or Turkey –Guide is available in Chinese and many other languages:

3 3 Adoption of Best Practices in CMM Drainage and Use  Adoption of best practices will: –Strive to achieve a goal of zero fatalities, injuries, and property losses from methane related accidents. –Demonstrate global coal industry’s commitment to mine safety, climate change mitigation, corporate social responsibility, and good citizenship. –Establish a global dialogue on CMM capture and use. –Create critical linkages among coal industry, government, and regulatory officials. –Incorporate effective CMM capture as a part of an effective risk management portfolio.

4 4 全球甲烷论坛 2016 年 3 月 28-30 ,美国华盛顿

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