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Provision of legal support and outreach services to Burmese migrant workers in Thailand.

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1 Provision of legal support and outreach services to Burmese migrant workers in Thailand

2 1. BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION 1.1 Analysis of the problem Many migrants from Thailand’s neighboring countries leave home in search of a better life – often crossing borders into Thailand in search of new horizons in this new and economically expanding frontier. But rather than leading to a brighter future, the journey for cross- border migrants often leads down a one-way road to misadventure at a destination where deceit and exploitation await. This Action Programme (AP) will try to address some of these issues by promoting the awareness and understanding of the Thai labor law and other laws and regulations related to the rights and responsibilities of migrant workers in Thailand

3 1.2 Programme strategy The AP has two key objectives as follows: To promote awareness of the Thai labor law and other laws and regulations related to the rights and responsibilities of migrant workers To provide comprehensive legal support services to Burmese migrant workers subjected to labour exploitation and trafficking

4 A) The Labor Law Awareness project Develop pamphlets and leaflets in Burmese language for migrants covering Thai labor law, migrant workers’ law and rights under the Thai legal system At least 500,000 migrant populations will benefit from information on raise awareness of Thai labor law and migrant workers rights B) Mobile Legal Aid Project Open a contact phone number for workers to call in for legal assistance Some of the more interesting legal cases will be documented and used for further awareness raising, policy advocacy and as a reference for future similar cases

5 1.3 Sustainability All activities will be conducted within Thailand, whether along the border areas or in other provinces. Trained activists will in the future be able to use their experience and knowledge gained to reach high migrant sending areas inside Burma/Myanmar. The education and materials produced will be available for reprinting in the future to be used inside Burma/Myanmar.

6 2. TARGET GROUPS 2.1 Intended beneficiaries The intended beneficiaries are all Burmese migrant workers in Thailand, at risk of, or already in exploitative labour situations and trafficking. 2.2 Direct recipients Reach out to the following groups: 375,000- 500,000 migrant workers will receive information about their rights and responsibilities through dissemination of project information activities A number of Burmese migrant workers who have had their rights violated will be provided legal assistance

7 3. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK There are a number of unions organizing Burmese workers of particular ethnicity working in close collaboration with FTUB as follows: Migrant Karen Labour Union (MKLU) FTUK SUB

8 3.2 Collaborating Institutions: The Law Society of Thailand (LCT): The LST will work with FTUB in developing the information materials on rights and responsibilities of migrants The LST will also work with FTUB in providing legal support to Burmese migrants subjected to labour exploitation and trafficking

9 4. OBJECTIVES 4.1 Development objective The Action Programme will contribute to the progressive elimination of human trafficking in the Mekong Sub-region. 4.2 Immediate objectives Objective 1: The awareness and understanding of the labour law and regulations related to migrant workers will have been increased among Burmese migrant workers Objective 2: Legal support will have been extended to Burmese migrant workers who have been subjected to labour exploitation and trafficking in Thailand.

10 5. MAJOR OUTPUTS AND ACTIVITIES Objective 1: The awareness and understanding of the Thai labour law and laws and regulations related to migrant workers will have been increased among Burmese migrant workers in Thailand Output 1.1:The pamphlets and leaflets in Burmese language covering Thai labor law, migrant workers’ law and rights under the Thai legal system will have been developed in collaboration with the LST Output 1.2:A pool of local migrant community leaders will have been set-up and equipped with knowledge and tools to further disseminate their knowledge under the Thai legal system in their local communities and workplaces.

11 Objective 2: Legal support will have been extended to Burmese migrant workers who have been subjected to labour exploitation and trafficking Output 2.1:A contact number where Burmese migrant workers can report on labour exploitation and trafficking and seek legal support Activity 2.1.1: Include the phone number(s) where migrant workers can contact FTUB or any of the partner agencies including MKLU, LST for legal support in the information materials to be produced under Output 1.3 above; Activity 2.1.2: Ensure that there are Thai and Burmese speaking staff available to always answer the phone; Output 2.2: Burmese migrant workers who have been subjected to labour exploitation and trafficking will have been given legal support by the LCT through-out the legal process

12 6. THE PROJECT ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS: Monitoring and Evaluation tools to evaluate each objective 7.PLANNING, MONITORING, AND EVALUATION ARRANGEMENTS The planning, monitoring and evaluation arrangements under this AP will follow these described in the Agreement

13 9. BUDGET Indirect Cost Direct Cost Total Direct Costs GRAND TOTAL

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