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“Weekly” Meeting 130426 Director and AD’s meet to discuss lab funding.

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Presentation on theme: "“Weekly” Meeting 130426 Director and AD’s meet to discuss lab funding."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Weekly” Meeting 130426 Director and AD’s meet to discuss lab funding

2 What’s Going On… Secretary/Admin. Assistant Day luncheon was very nice – Thanks again to Erene and Judy for their invaluable service to the Dept. Monthly MSD Seminar (nominally 2 nd Tuesday of each month at 4:00pm…) – 3 rd Tuesday of every month, 11:00 am in the Hermitage May – MICE Coupling Coil – First Test Results - Ruben, Mike T June – Bi2212 High Field Solenoid Update - Tengming Mu2e – measurement system – Plans / planning; opportunity for summer students; etc. Mag Measurements & Probes – Measurement update, probe management, probe development MAP – Collaboration meeting to be held at Fermilab in May – HCC (Mauricio) design work in collab w/Muons, Inc – small MAP FY13 & FY14 funding Presented overview at MSD Seminar (4/16) – 2212 Dev continues w/ Tengming – MSD seminar scheduled (6/18) – YBCO coil development at BNL – ‘mainstream’ path for next 3 years Some issues with 2 nd coil for 30T demo; under investigation 26 April 2013 -2-

3 What’s Going On, cont. Map, cont. – TD MICE work Coupling Coil Progress (from Ruben) All connections to the test cryostat are done, warm valve tuning done, and piping pump and purge completed. The test cryostat is ready to be connected to the CHL liquid helium dewar and proceed with cold commissioning activities and coil cooldown. CHL startup is going well, starting to fill the 10,000 gallon LHe dewar with liquid helium. CHL expects to have a good batch of liquid by end of week, with a goal to have the CHL plant and the LHe dewar stable for the weekend. “… so far on track for start of powered operations the week of May 6 th, of course depending on how the cold commissioning and coil cool down goes” CC cryostating – to take place in MSD; discussions proceeding Cable (now at Fermilab) being sent to vendor in China for next Coupling Coils 26 April 2013 -3-

4 Coupling Coil in Test Dewar in CHL 26 April 2013 -4-

5 What’s Going On, cont. MTF Status (Magnets) –MTF Systems Development: (see Overview by Ruben on Wednesday 2/13/2013)Overview by Ruben on Wednesday 2/13/2013 –LARP testing – 11T & Quads –MICE Coupling Coil preparations –Mu2e preparations –Conventional Magnet measurements Highlights from Scheduling Meeting (courtesy of Dave Harding) –‘Bullets Plus’‘Bullets Plus’ Safety Issue –Accident with recently installed GHe recovery system (outside bldg) for test dewar in IB3a Review underway (completed? Report?) Conference Bureaucracy –IMMW18 scheduled at BNL June 3-7, 2013 Joe, Marc attending –Approvals for MT23 have arrived Arrangements – probably requires a ‘lab credit card’, so you will have to apply for one if you haven’t already… 26 April 2013 -5-

6 More on Conferences, travel, and bureaucracy… “Conference related travel has come under increasing scrutiny and review. The Department of Energy has further clarified its rules regarding conference travel in order to meet requirements established by the Office of Management and Budget” … FOR CONFERENCE RELATED TRAVEL: –Requests to attend a conference must now be submitted to the Fermilab Travel Office at least 85 days before the “critical date” of the conference. –The “critical date” corresponds to the date when funds need to be committed (i.e. early registration deadline, booth fees deadline, etc.). –The 85 day period takes into account DOE’s requirement that conference requests be submitted at least 75 days before the critical date, plus an additional 10 days for Fermilab to prepare our lab conference package for DOE. Conference status and the submission dates are posted on the Fermilab Conference Travel Database for your convenience. You must have a VPN account to view the public page of the Conference Travel Database. – – FOR NON-CONFERENCE RELATED TRAVEL: –Non–conference travel DOES NOT require further DOE/HQ approval, therefore the 85 day advance filing requirement DOES NOT APPLY. However, advance planning is helpful to take advantage of lower airfares, so you are encouraged to submit your travel request as early as reasonably possible. FOR BOTH CONFERENCE AND NON-CONFERENCE TRAVEL - you are required to: –Submit a completed and approved Fermilab Travel Authorization Form (TA) & Cost Estimate in order to book travel. –TA is not required for local travel when overnight lodging is not needed. 26 April 2013 -6-

7 What’s Going On, cont. Safety ‘Take Five” and think!’  MMake sure that ITNA’s are current so that training is up-to-date MUse of safety gloves a priority; safety shoes as well… MReminder: Be alert for winter road changes with snow Snow/ice caution on all outside surfaces  Not known to apply to random acts of management… Security -MTF has been re- (or un-) keyed; ID badge is used for access after-hours -IB2 has been re-keyed ; ID badge is used for access after-hours Traffic – –Detours due to construction now gone but be alert for changes as construction continues Note – ‘temporary changes in front of TD’ will persist for quite a while… –Revision of traffic citation penalties – they are now more in line with ‘real world’ (State of Illinois) 26 April 2013 -7-

8 Not another cubicle cartoon 26 April 2013 -8-

9 Agenda Overview - jct< 10 min LHC Magnets - Giorgio, Guram≤ 5min QLASA Update - Vittorio Marinozzi10 min MTF Test Update - Guram, Mike≤ 5 min MICE CC Test Status + Misc. - Mike ≤ 5 min Mu2e Mag Meas Sys - Mike, Marc≤ 5 min Mag Meas Software Project Update – Joe, Guram ≤ 5 min Meas. and Probe Mngmt - Joe≤ 5 min Around the table/AOB - all (briefly!)≤ 10 min 26 April 2013 -9-

10 26 April 2013 -10-

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