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R E A C H Inclusive Postsecondary Education for Students with Intellectual and Learning Disabilities Kate Stroik Transition Outcome Specialist April 10,

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Presentation on theme: "R E A C H Inclusive Postsecondary Education for Students with Intellectual and Learning Disabilities Kate Stroik Transition Outcome Specialist April 10,"— Presentation transcript:

1 R E A C H Inclusive Postsecondary Education for Students with Intellectual and Learning Disabilities Kate Stroik Transition Outcome Specialist April 10, 2012 REACH: Realizing Educational And Career Hopes

2 Overview History of REACH Mission & Philosophy Program development and implementation Core Areas –Academics –Student Life –Career Development –Community & Transition Target Students Admissions Process How to prepare the student and family Alumni Outcomes R E A C H

3 History The REACH program was initiated by former Lt. Gov. Sally Pedersen, who has a son with Autism who attended a similar program at an out of state school R E A C H

4 Mission To create an authentic, inclusive living-learning experience that builds career skills, academic achievement, personal responsibility, interpersonal competence, and a promising future for young adults with intellectual, cognitive, and learning disabilities. R E A C H

5 Philosophy REACH fosters independence and interdependence while helping students learn to make positive life choices through : problem-solving leadership development self-awareness self-determination self ‐ advocacy R E A C H

6 Program Development Two Year Planning Process: Needs assessment Internal University support and collaboration –Center for Disabilities and Development –Student Disability Services –College of Education –Student Life Office –Housing –Billing / Financial –University Counseling R E A C H

7 Program Implementation 2008: 1 st class arrived Aug 2008 2009: First time having a combination of Year 1 and Year 2 cohort classes at the same time Curriculum adjusted based on current research and observed needs 2010: First class completed their certificate in May 2010 Two year groups PLUS transition support for students who have completed the program and have moved back to home communities 2011: Second class completed certificate in May 2011 Pilot Third Year Option 2012: Third class will graduate in May 2012 In Fall, third year students will live in apartment style housing on campus R E A C H

8 Academics Core and elective courses Academic year Reverse integration class each semester UI class and class mentors Audit UI classes REACH Instructors & UI faculty Academic expectations Attendance requirements Course grades (A – F) Homework Assessment R E A C H

9 REACH Core Courses for Fall Semester R E A C H Year 1 Academic Success Health and Wellness Personal Relationships Computers & Technology Social Skills I Life Skills I Career Exploration Money Management Year 2 Health and Wellness II Internship Internship Group Social Skills II Life Skills II Personal Finance College Life Group Year 3 Service Learning Internship Internship Group Household Management Special Topics Independent Study

10 Academic Support & Extensions Supplemental instruction Study tables Advising Community college opportunity University course options R E A C H

11 Daily Schedule – Year 1 R E A C H Day/TimeMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:30 - 9:20Money Mgmt. Life Skills Lab 9:30-10:20 Computers & Technology Social Skills I Computers & Technology Social Skills I Life Skills Lab 10:30-11:20 Health/Wellness & Sex Education Life Skills I Health/Wellness & Sex Education Life Skills I Fitness or Room Care 1:30-2:20Academic Success Career Exploration (2 hr course) Academic Success Career Explor. (2 hr course) College Life Group 3:00-4:20 Study TablesAdvising (3:30-4:00) Study Tables Advising (3:30-4:00) Study Tables After Dinner Activity Sign-up 7U:100 Class mentors Student Life 101Activity NightFitness Activity Evening

12 Student Life Campus Life  Student Organizations  Wellness Education and Activities  Liberal Arts Experience  Sports and Other Events  Making Friends  Getting to Know My Way Around R E A C H

13 Student Life Residential hall experience  Learning independent living skills  Room Checks  Opportunities for social interaction with other UI students  Room with a REACH student on a floor with other UI students  4 REACH specific RAs  Curfew and signing out R E A C H

14 Career Development 1 st year—Career Exploration  Fall semester = Career Exploration  Spring semester = Internship Prep and Career Seminars 2 nd year— Internships & Job Search Strategies  Gain career skills from internships  Create a résumé  Develop job searching and interview skills R E A C H

15 Career Development Core Courses Career Seminars Internships Hard and Soft Skills Interests & Strengths Career Focus Areas R E A C H

16 Community & Transition Life skills Accessing resources Leisure opportunities Transition to home community Post-program support R E A C H

17 Community Life Skills for Life  Self-confidence  Financial management  Personal safety in public  Personal organization Civic Engagement  Local Government  Community Resources  Leisure Opportunities  Getting Involved -- Community Service R E A C H

18 REACH Target Student 18-25 years of age at admission Has a high school diploma, certificate of completion, or equivalent 5th grade level or higher in math and reading Is developing appropriate social skills (peers, adults, employers) R E A C H

19 REACH Target Student Has prior work or volunteer experience Has independence in most daily living skills &personal hygiene Has stayed overnight without parents Can navigate campus safely R E A C H

20 REACH Target Student Has some experience using computers/other technology Has the personal motivation and energy required Has identified learning problems that interfered with school performance throughout his/her academic career Requires disability related supports and services (academic, vocational, recreational, and residential) beyond those typically provided by most University support services R E A C H

21 Admissions 1.Campus Tours 2.Application Process 3.Campus Interview R E A C H

22 How to Prepare Students 1.Early financial planning 2.Include in IEP 3.Independent Living Skills - Take meds independently -Personal hygiene and grooming -Laundry -Cell phone use R E A C H

23 Alumni Outcomes Class 2010—1yr post program

24 Alumni Outcomes Class 2011—1month post program

25 Please help spread the word about REACH Contact Information: REACH Program 229 S. Lindquist Center Iowa City, IA 52242 319-384-2127 R E A C H

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