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PCFT Cohort 3 Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health.

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Presentation on theme: "PCFT Cohort 3 Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 PCFT Cohort 3 Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health

2 SRMH & Rights Global Outcome Area

3 SRMHR Global Indicators & Connection to PCTFI Proportion of demand for contraception satisfied Proportion of births attended by skilled personnel Proportion of health facilities providing at least five contraceptive methods Respect for women’s sexual autonomy in marriage Age at first birth Girls’ completion of Secondary Education

4 PCTF Cohort 3 Theory of Change & Connection to SRMHR Global Provision of ASRH info/education, combined with life skills components Gender & social norm change & enabling environment The CSC & youth engagement

5 ASRH info/Comprehensive Sexuality Education Evidence for youth centers and peer education is weak School based and teacher capacity is key Include discussions of gender & power for greater impact Connect adolescents to youth friendly services Opportunity to leverage health programs Advocate to incorporate CSE into official curriculum Link to enabling environment & asset building activities ASRH – key approaches, tools & expectations

6 Gender and Social Norm Change Addressing issues of gender and power improves effectiveness of education (and SRH education) Conduct at all levels and with various stakeholders Address GBV/IPV Social Analysis and Action – CARE’s tool SAA has a key element of staff capacity transformation Gender and Social Norm Change – key approaches, tools & expectations

7 Youth Participation, Governance & Community Score Card CSC for improving service delivery CSC for meaningful adolescent engagement Link CSC to advocacy & action efforts CSC reinforces life skills & norm change CSC a way to address gap of adolescent-friendly health services Youth Participation/CSC – key approaches, tools & expectations

8 Which of the recommendation for adolescent empowerment and/or ASRH in particular would fit well into country context? Where do you see a good entry point to integrate the recommended approaches within the design you have now? What learning questions mentioned would be of interest to consider? How easily/practically can each country integrate the approaches into the current design? Where would it be difficult to do so? Based on the current reality what specific technical supports would you envision or need? Moving forward

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