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Matt Knorr October 2013 with Karen Merritt et al. Spring Creek middle school, Providence Utah.

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2 Matt Knorr October 2013 with Karen Merritt et al. Spring Creek middle school, Providence Utah

3 Teachers are busy! So many names, such a short class Only a few minutes between classes Spare time?!

4 Things that didn’t go so well… How much time do I spend presenting background information & does it all really matter? Slow learning curve for me- a pity for the earlier class periods. I didn’t anticipate setting up labs for each class would take so long. Safety first / when in doubt, wear safety goggles!

5 But I Digress…. Things that went better than that: Not once did I run out of content before the end of class. A few times I even got to my very last possible topic of discussion. Students were surprisingly engaged. I was very fortunate to have some extra help to setup equipment between classes

6 And finally, The best that could have happened: These smiling, happy, and thoroughly engaged students are priceless

7 A few shots of our informal science teaching event for area homeschoolers Thanks Mr. Bernard, Mr. Lovelady, Mr. Mullins, Mr. Sessions, and Mr. Wadsworth for your help!

8 Note the satisfaction : *this was at an informal science teaching event

9 *this was at an informal science teaching event

10 Another scientist or educator for the next generation…

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