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哈巴谷 "Embraced by God.". 哈巴谷 Habakkuk brings a new note to the teaching of the prophets, he has the temerity to demand an account from God.

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Presentation on theme: "哈巴谷 "Embraced by God.". 哈巴谷 Habakkuk brings a new note to the teaching of the prophets, he has the temerity to demand an account from God."— Presentation transcript:

1 哈巴谷 "Embraced by God."

2 哈巴谷 Habakkuk brings a new note to the teaching of the prophets, he has the temerity to demand an account from God.

3 哈巴谷 The prophet received his call as a vision (1:1). This vision becomes his responsibility and his burden

4 哈巴谷 The role of the prophet not only to see the vision of God but also to present the situation of men to God.

5 哈巴谷 The theological theme of the book is that of the power of God over human history and the consequent call to trust and faithfulness (2:4)

6 哈巴谷 Hab 1:13, This is the real question that has been troubling the prophet. How can the “Holy” and “Pure” allow this intolerable situation to continue?

7 哈巴谷 Faithfulness is seen as the attitude to remain trustful in the plan of God even in confusing times and situations. (2:4; 3:19)

8 哈巴谷 At the end, YHWH will made his name known and his presence will be felt on earth. (3:1-19)

9 哈巴谷 The prophet condemns all forms of oppression (2:7-20)

10 哈巴谷 Arrogant greed (2:7-8) Presumption (2:9-11) Violence (2:12-14) Degradation of human dignity (2:15-17) Idolatry (2:18-20)

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