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Propaganda techniques in the media Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002 Whose voice guides your choice?

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Presentation on theme: "Propaganda techniques in the media Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002 Whose voice guides your choice?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Propaganda techniques in the media Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002 Whose voice guides your choice?

2 How do you decide who is the best candidate… Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002

3 or which is the best toothpaste ? Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002

4 Looking for facts to back up your choice is an excellent idea, but it is also a good idea to find out WHO is presenting those facts. Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002

5 Are they facts at all, or is the advertiser using propaganda techniques to persuade you? Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002

6 What are Propaganda techniques? Propaganda is designed to persuade. Its purpose is to influence your opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior. It seeks to “guide your choice.”

7 Who uses Propaganda? Military Media Advertisers Politicians You and I

8 What are some of the techniques used to persuade us? Bandwagon Name-calling Endorsement Glittering Generality Plain-folks appeal Association False Syllogisms Fear/Shock Tactics Repetition Air and Rebut the Others POV Tabloid Thinking Intertextual References Card Stacking Slanted Words

9 Bandwagon Everybody is doing this. If you want to fit in, you need to “jump on the bandwagon” and do it too. The implication (suggestion) is that you must JOIN in to FIT in. Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002

10 For example: If the whole world uses this VISA card, you must need one too. Bank of the World Visa Card- You can use it from Tennessee to Timbuktu- anywhere you travel in whole wide world !! Sign up today at Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002

11 Name-calling A negative word or feeling is attached to an idea, product, or person. If that word or feeling goes along with that person or idea, the implication is that we shouldn’t be interested in it.

12 For example: Do we want a mayor who will leave us in debt? Spending grew 100% under Mayor Moneybags! Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002

13 Endorsement A famous person endorses an idea, a product, a candidate. If someone famous uses this product, believes this idea, or supports this candidate, so should we. NOT!

14 For example: If we drink milk, we will all be as famous as Milly the model. Milly the Model asks, “Got Milk?” Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002

15 Glittering Generality A commonly admired virtue is used to inspire positive feelings for a person, idea, or product. Words like truth, democracy, beauty, timeless are examples of those general terms but they don’t really say anything. (other examples: patriotic, catchy, or attractive)

16 For example: If you want to be brighter, you’ll support Bill Brite. Look on the bright side! Vote for Bill Brite ! Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002

17 Plain-folks appeal This idea, product, or person is associated with normal, everyday people and activities.

18 For Example: We want a Jim Smith, a mayor who supports the regular American worker. Vote for Smith Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002

19 Association Symbols, quotes, ideas or images are used to convey a message. The message may not necessarily be associated with them. Wants audience to connect product with that positive idea.

20 For example: Joe uses symbols of America to tie his restaurant to American values for Independence Day. Celebrate the American Way this 4 th of July- Eat at Joe’s Joe’s Barbeque Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002

21 False Syllogisms Factual supporting details are used though they do not support the conclusion. It works like this: Christians believe in God. Muslims believe in God. Christians are Muslims.

22 For example: Does this mean that teachers need medication to keep their cool during the school day ? More teachers recommend Calm- me to help them make it through the day Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002

23 Fear or Shock Tactics Our fears are displayed. Ideas, candidates, or products are shown to put our fears to rest.

24 For example: If you use Safety Ware it will prevent people from stealing your identity-or will it? Guard against Identity theft Use Safety Ware Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002

25 Repetition  It is used to keep an idea repeating in a person’s mind.  Writer’s may repeat a word, phrase, or an entire sentence for emphasis.

26 Example Adults like Joe’s Pizza, Kids like Joe’s Pizza. Boys like Joe’s Pizza. Girls like Joe’s Pizza. I bet you’ll like Joe’s Pizza too.

27 Air and Rebut the others Point of View  The speaker tells the opposite POV from his/her own and then explains why it is not right.  By showing the reader the other side’s view, the speaker is trying to show that his/her side is the better side.

28 Example  “ My opponent says that kids should spend all day watching TV and playing video games. I believe kids should study everyday. If kids don’t study how will they ever learn.”

29 Tabloid Thinking  A generalization that oversimplifies the issue.  They take the idea or product and explain it to the audience “in a nutshell”- making it too simple.

30 Example  “We don’t have lockers because the teachers are MEAN! They have plenty of places to keep their books. What about ours?”

31 Intertextual References  Used by speakers and advertisers to relate their product or idea to a separate product or idea  The speakers and advertisers mention that other product or idea to talk about their product in terms of the other, sometimes criticizing that other product

32 Example  Quiznos offers a large deli sandwich at the same price as those other guys, but with 2 times more meat.

33 Card Stacking  Focuses solely on one side of an argument and ignores all other viewpoints.

34 Example  Diet Coke has all the taste of regular Coke without the calories and sugar.  (adverse reactions of aspartame: blindness in one or both eyes, depression, insomnia, gradual weight gain, etc..)

35 Slanted Words  Words that are carefully selected to change the meaning of things.

36 Example  97 Mazda pre-owned 4 door sedan for sale. This car is red hot and on fire.  (literally)

37 How do we make sure that we are making informed choices, instead of allowing others to sway us in our decision-making? Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002

38 We make our own choices when … we read and listen to reliable sources, we watch for combinations of truths and lies, we check for hidden messages, we watch for use of propaganda techniques,

39 and, most importantly, educationservice WHEN WE LISTEN TO OUR OWN VOICES !

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