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JOBTALKS Student Ethics and the Recruiting Process Indiana University Kelley School of Business C. Randall Powell, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "JOBTALKS Student Ethics and the Recruiting Process Indiana University Kelley School of Business C. Randall Powell, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 JOBTALKS Student Ethics and the Recruiting Process Indiana University Kelley School of Business C. Randall Powell, Ph.D

2 Student Ethics and the Recruiting Process Advantage Session September 17, 2002 Mercedes Enrique-Garcia Associate Director, Corporate Recruitment

3 Ethics

4 ETHIC \’eth-ik\ n a: a principle of right or good conduct; b: a system of moral principles or values a: a principle of right or good conduct; b: a system of moral principles or values

5 ETHICS \’eth-iks\ n a: the rules or standards governing the conduct of the members of a profession a: the rules or standards governing the conduct of the members of a profession

6 What isn’t listed In the Definitions? Illegal activity Illegal activity

7 Ethical lapses are not necessarily against the law; they are, however, a violation of the agreed-upon “rules of the game.”

8 Personal values aside, you Should practice good ethics Because ethical violations Will come back to you.

9 Recruiting is a SMALL WORLD Employer databases Employer databases Spread the word Spread the word HR people move around HR people move around

10 Three types of Ethical Violations Before first round of interview Before first round of interview During interview During interview After first round interview (on company visits) After first round interview (on company visits)

11 Before Accuracy of resume Accuracy of resume Major(s) Major(s) Graduation Date (date of availability) Graduation Date (date of availability) GPA GPA Internships and other experiences Internships and other experiences Same issues for what you tell companies at career fairs, presentations, etc. Same issues for what you tell companies at career fairs, presentations, etc.

12 Before If you misrepresent to get on a schedule, with the hope of “selling” the company later, the recruiter will see that you lied and will use that information on his/her evaluation of you.

13 During Skill set Skill set Experiences Experiences Location preference Location preference

14 During If you misrepresent yourself during an interview, the recruiter will eventually discover this fact and, again, will use it in the candidate evaluation process.

15 After This is where the stories get interesting…

16 After Renegged Acceptances Renegged Acceptances The Big Issue The Big Issue Eagle Scout story Eagle Scout story Career Fair story Career Fair story Recruiting Trips Recruiting Trips Last minute cancellations Last minute cancellations Using firm for trip Using firm for trip No Communication No Communication Asking Firm to Lie for you Asking Firm to Lie for you Mardi Gras story Mardi Gras story

17 Conclusion You know what the “right thing to do” is AND you know when you are not doing it.

18 If you would like to learn more, Career Planning Strategies textbook will supply additional information on this topic.

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