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Definition: the act or process of falling into an the act or process of falling into an inferior condition or state moral degeneration or decay; turpitude.

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Presentation on theme: "Definition: the act or process of falling into an the act or process of falling into an inferior condition or state moral degeneration or decay; turpitude."— Presentation transcript:

1 definition: the act or process of falling into an the act or process of falling into an inferior condition or state moral degeneration or decay; turpitude moral degeneration or decay; turpitude unrestrained or excessive self-indulgence unrestrained or excessive self-indulgence

2 dek- uh -d uh n s pronunciation:

3 related forms: noun noundecadency adjective adjectivedecadent adverb adverbdecadently

4 synonyms: degradation degradation dissolution dissolution corruption corruption downfall downfall decline decline excess excess decay decay turpitude turpitude self indulgent self indulgent

5 The Mayan Ruins tell the story of the decadence of their society.

6 The casinos in Las Vegas are renown for their decadence.

7 Decadent holiday desserts can be very inviting.

8 Many people behave decadently during Mardi Gras.

9 The Roaring 20’s were a time when many people decadently celebrated whenever the moment availed itself. the moment availed itself.

10 The moral and political decadency of some politicians disheartens many Americans today.

11 Most people love the decadency of the holiday season with all the great food and time spent relaxing with family.

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