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1.Resins are more or less solid, amorphous products of complex chemical nature. 2.Chemically resins are complex mixture of Resin acids Resin alcohols.

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2 1.Resins are more or less solid, amorphous products of complex chemical nature. 2.Chemically resins are complex mixture of Resin acids Resin alcohols (Resinols) Resin phenols (Resinotannols) Esters Resenes 3.Resins soften on heating and finally melt. 4.Resins are insoluble in water, usually insoluble in petroleum spirits 5.Partially or completely soluble in alcohol, chloroform and ether. 6.Resins are transparent or translucent solids, hard and brittle. 7.Usually contained in schizogenous or schizolysogenous ducts or cavities. 8.They are metabolic end products of plants. 9.Resins are pathological in origin. 2

3 ResinsOleoresinsGum resins Oleo gum resins BalsamsGlycoresins Classification of Resins 3

4 Resins Acid resinsEster resinsAlcohol resins 4

5 Biological Source: Zingiber officinale Zingiberaceae. It consitsts of scrapped or unscrapped rhizome of Zingiber officinale, belonging to family Zingiberaceae. Geographical Source: India Jamaica West Indian Islands China Chemical Constituents: Volatile oil Resinous matter Starch, Mucilage Oil of ginger contains Monoterpenes Sequiterpenes Sequiterpene alcohol (Zingiberol) The pungent Gingerols (Homologous phenols) Zingerone Shagols 5

6 Uses: Stomachic Antiemetic Expectorant Beneficial in cardiac disorders (blood thinning properties) Used in arthritis Used in digestion disorders (Nausea, flatulence) Varieties: 1.Nigerian ginger 2.Cochin ginger 3.Chinese ginger 4.African ginger Allied Drugs: 1.Japanese ginger (Zingeber mioga) 2.Galangal rhizome (Alpinia galanga) Adulterants: Ginger is adulterated with exhausted ginger and other vegetable adulterants. 6

7 Biological Source: Curcuma longa, Zingiberaceae It consists of fresh or dried rhizome of Curcuma longa, belonging to family Zingiberaceae Geographical Source: India Jamaica West Indian Islands China Chemical Constituents: Volatile oil Resinous matter Starch Curcuminoids Curcumin Demethoxy curcumin Bis demethoxy curcumin 7

8 Uses: Antiseptic Anti inflammatory Anti oxidant Stimulant effect on liver For gynecological problems Chemical Tests: 1.Powdered drug + Boric acid = Crimson colour 2.Aqueous solution of turmeric + Boric acid = Redish brown colour + Alkali = Greenish blue 3.Drug + acetic anhydried = violet colour (under UV light red fluorescence is seen) Allied Drugs: 1.Curcuma amada 8

9 Biological Source: Capsicum annumCapsicum frutescens Solanaceae It consists of dried, ripe fruits of Capsicum annum or Capsicum frutescens belonging to family Solanaceae. Geographical Source: India Andhra Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Tamil Nadu Maharashtra Gujarat Assam East and West Africa Chemical Constituents: Capsaicin 6,7- dihydro capsaicin Nordihydro capsaicin Homocapsaicin Ascorbic acid (Vit. C) Thiamine (Vit. B1) Red carotenoids Capsanthin Capsorubin 9

10 Uses: Used internally for atonic dyspepsia and flatulence Used externally (Capsaicin creams, ointments) for Rheumatoid arthritis Osteoarthritis Post herpetic neuralgia Diabetic neuropathy Allied Drugs: 1.Japanese chillies 2.Natal capsicums 10

11 Sr. No DrugBiological SourceUses 1.Balsam of Tolu Tolu Balsam Myroxalan balsamum Leguminosae It is a solid or semisolid baslam obtained from the trunk of trees Myroxalan balsamum, belonging to family Leguminosae Expectorant Antiseptic Flavouring agent. 2.Balsam of Peru Indian black balsam Peruvian balsam Myroxalan balsamum Leguminosae It is a baslam obtained from the trunk of trees Myroxalan balsamum, after the bark has been beaten and sorched, family Leguminosae For scabies, wounds, ulcers and bedsores. Used in cosmetics Flavouring agent. 3.Myrrh Gum myrrh Myrrha Bol Commiphora molmolCommiphora Burseraceae. It is an oleo gum resin obtained from Commiphora molmol or other Commiphora species, belonging to family Burseraceae. Used as antiseptic, Used as astringent in mouth or gargles. 4.Colophony Rosin Gum rosin Colophonium Pinus Styraceae. It is the residue left after the distillation of the oil of terpentine from crude oleo resin from various Pinus species, belonging to family Styraceae. Diuretic Ingredient of collodions In preparation of ointments 11

12 Sr. No DrugBiological SourceUses 5.Benzoin Sumatra benzoin Styrax benzoinStyarax parallelonerus Styrax Styraceae It is a baslamic resin obtained from the Styrax benzoin or Styarax parallelonerus and other species of Styrax belonging to family Styraceae. Irritating expectorant Diuretic Antiseptic In treatment of upper respiratory tract infection For taste masking of pharmaceuticals. Siam Benzoin Styrax tonkinesis Styraceae It is a baslamic resin obtained from the Styrax tonkinesis, belonging to family Styraceae. 6.Storax Prepared storax Purified storax Liquidambar orientalis It is a balsam obtained from the wounded trunk of Liquidambar orientalis, subsequently purified by solution in alcohol, filtration and evaporation of solvent. Hammamelidaceae. Family Hammamelidaceae. Antiseptic Stimulant 12

13 Sr. No DrugBiological SourceUses 7.Jalap Mexican jalap Ipomoea purga Convolvulaceae It consist of the dried tubercles of Ipomoea purga belonging to family Convolvulaceae Powerful cathartic Brazilian jalap Ipomoea operculata Convolvulaceae It consist of the dried tubercles of Ipomoea operculata belonging to family Convolvulaceae. 13

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