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PLANNING FOR SEA LEVEL RISE Port Fairy Coastal & Structure Planning Project PRESENTED BY CHRIS RENKIN.

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Presentation on theme: "PLANNING FOR SEA LEVEL RISE Port Fairy Coastal & Structure Planning Project PRESENTED BY CHRIS RENKIN."— Presentation transcript:

1 PLANNING FOR SEA LEVEL RISE Port Fairy Coastal & Structure Planning Project PRESENTED BY CHRIS RENKIN

2 acknowledgement I would like to respectfully acknowledge the past and present traditional owners of this land on which we meet today, the Dja Dja Wurrung, Taungurung and Gurai- illam Wurrung language groups of the Central Kulin nation

3 introduction  State Government Pilot Project  $550,000 budget & DELWP support  Aim: translate Port Fairy Local Coastal Hazard Assessment into planning scheme controls

4 Port Fairy is here MAP OF VICTORIA Melbourne N Moyne Shire location

5 town context

6 Monument commemorating thousands of Gunditjmara killed in the 1830s & 1840s “don't be greedy, don't take any more than you need and respect everything around you" late elder Tom Trevorrow indigenous history

7 character & charm

8 scenic

9 tourism

10 strong community

11 why Port Fairy?

12 estuary river interface between a river catchment and estuary environmental

13 River and estuarine flooding managed by: Floodway Overlay Land Subject to Inundation Overlay existing flooding

14 estuary river coastal interface between a river catchment, estuary … and ocean environmental

15 existing coastal inundation & erosion No planning scheme controls for coastal inundation and erosion

16 investment in infrastructure

17 “We must be very lucky,” said a local weather aficionado. “Who else gets to experience a storm or flood of the century every couple of years? … This is a thrilling century?.” SBS Comedy

18  detailed picture of existing and future coastal hazards  maps coastal erosion and inundation for a range of sea level rise and storm event scenarios for the periods to 2040, 2070 and 2100 local coastal hazard assessment

19 LCHA – present day

20 LCHA – 2100

21  ‘Defend Port Fairy’ context  15 year land use and development framework / settlement boundary  actions for land use, buildings, public spaces and access  Levy / economic model to fund coastal infrastructure structure plan

22  Current planning scheme controls relate to TEMPORARY storage of riverine and estuarine floodwater for the 1:100 year flood – LSIO and FO  currently being applied to areas subject to coastal inundation in lieu of no other options e.g.. Bass Coast and Port Fairy West LCHA translation

23 project needs to identify future planning scheme controls to manage more frequent coastal flooding followed by PERMANENT inundation – as mapped infrastructure development that can protect / defend the town LCHA translation

24  project commenced in January 2016  to be completed by July 2017  currently appointing consultants to undertake detailed analysis project timeframe


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