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1.Nucleolus 2.Nuclear Mem. 3.Ribosomes 4.Vesicle 5.R.E.R. 6.Golgi App. 7.Cytoskeleton 8.Smooth. E.R. 9.Mitochondria 10.Vacuole 11.Cytoplasm 12.Lysosome.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Nucleolus 2.Nuclear Mem. 3.Ribosomes 4.Vesicle 5.R.E.R. 6.Golgi App. 7.Cytoskeleton 8.Smooth. E.R. 9.Mitochondria 10.Vacuole 11.Cytoplasm 12.Lysosome."— Presentation transcript:


2 1.Nucleolus 2.Nuclear Mem. 3.Ribosomes 4.Vesicle 5.R.E.R. 6.Golgi App. 7.Cytoskeleton 8.Smooth. E.R. 9.Mitochondria 10.Vacuole 11.Cytoplasm 12.Lysosome 13.Centriole

3  Chapter 7 Recap!

4 Chapter 7 Re-Cap  M.I. : The Invention of the microscope led to the discovery of cells Microscopes have been used since the late 1500s Robert Hooke was the first to see & name cells. The Cell Theory summarizes 3 principles  1) The cell is the smallest unit of life  2) All living things consist of one cell or more.  3) Cells come from other cells

5 Chapter 7 Re-Cap There are 2 broad types of cells: Eukaryotic & Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Celled Organisms Plants Animals Prokaryotic Cell Organisms Bacteria  Both Cell Types contain cytoplasm, Ribosomes, Plasma Membrane and genetic material.

6 Chapter 7 Re-Cap  M.I. : The plasma membrane helps to maintain a cell’s homeostasis. Selective Permeability: Plasma membrane’s ability to control what enters / exits the cell Fluid mosaic model describes the plasma membrane

7 Chapter 7 Re-Cap The plasma membrane is made up of two layers of phospholipids The fatty acid tails of each phospholipid are on the inside of the membrane while the phosphate heads are positioned outside.

8 Chapter 7 Re-Cap  M.I. : Eukaryotic cells contain organelles that allow the specialization and the separation of functions within the cell.  Plant & Animal Cells share many of the same organelles.

9 Chapter 7 Re-Cap Ribosomes are the sites of protein synthesis These are found free floating in the cytoplasm or embedded in the Endoplasmic Reticulum. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell Site where Cellular Respiration takes place.

10  Cell Wall: This structure surrounds all plant cells and is made up primarily of cellulose.  Plasma Membrane: Surrounds all cell types and provides protection and support. Chapter 7 Re-Cap

11  Central Vacuole: Found only in plant cells. Stores excess food & nutrients  Chloroplasts: Provide energy for plant cells by capturing sunlight  Primary site of Photosynthesis Chapter 7 Re-Cap

12  Cilia: Hair-like structures that aid in cleaning & movement in animal cells.  Flagella: Long whip like structure that aids in movement in animal cells. Chapter 7 Re-Cap

13  Nucleus: Provides protection of genetic material in Eukaryotic Cells  Nucleolus: Site where eukaryotic cells create ribosomes. Chapter 7 Re-Cap

14  Golgi Apparatus: Packages and ships proteins created in the cell.  The Post Office of the cell  Lysosome: Breaks down waste & recycles old organelles  Filled with digestive Enzymes  The Garbage disposal of the cell Chapter 7 Re-Cap

15  Vacuole: Structure found in animal cells that provides storage of nutrients  Centrioles: Aids in cell division. Found only in animal cells. Chapter 7 Re-Cap

16  Endoplasmic Reticulum: Site of protein & lipid synthesis. Consists of 2 parts. Found surrounding the nucleus  Rough E.R.: Site of Protein Synthesis  Smooth E.R: Site of lipid & Membrane Synthesis Chapter 7 Re-Cap

17 1.Nucleolus 2.Nucleus. 3.Ribosomes 4.Central Vacuole 5.Endoplasmic Reticulum 6.Golgi App. 7.Cytoskeleton 8.Mitochondria 9.Centriole 10.Phospholipid Bilayer Jack: Cytoplasm Queen: Lysosome King: Flagella Ace: Chloroplast

18 #7: section is embedded with ribosomes #8: Center of this structure #9: Refers to entire structure

19 #1: Cell Wall #2: Plasma Membrane #3: Cytoplasm #4: Central Vacuole #5: Mitochondria #6: Golgi Apparatus #7: R.E.R. #8: Nucleolus #9: Nucleus #10: Chloroplast

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