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Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Mobile Phone Application Delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and.

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Presentation on theme: "Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Mobile Phone Application Delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Mobile Phone Application Delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled.

2 Outline 2  Goals and objectives  Leading ideas and principles in development  Partners  Content

3  Goals:  Increased awareness and knowledge among young people on SRHR.  Encourage healthier behavior among young people.  Reaching an increasing amount of young people, including vulnerable and marginalized young people.  Providing high quality information on SRHR and topics impacting SRHR. In short this app works towards: Healthy, fully informed young people who are able to take responsible decisions concerning their sexual and reproductive health. Goals and objectives 3

4  Ensure the app environment very user-friendly.  Ensure the content of the app youth friendly.  Ensure the information in the app is correct.  Ensure the app is well promoted and has a wide user base.  Ensure the app has elements to it that will ensure continued use, making sure users want to use the app again and again. Objectives for the application 4

5 Leading ideas and principles for development 5 Comprehensive Rights-based Inclusive Participatory

6 Comprehensive information 6

7  Technical information: E.g. Reproductive organs and their functions, menstruation, personal hygiene, safe sex, contraceptives.  Life skills information: Differences between friendship, desire and love, How to handle peer pressure, How to talk about sex, How to help a friend who is suffering from gender-based violence, How to critically look at media and how it portrays stereotypes etc.  Symptoms based information on STIs.  Information related to youth SRHR such as drugs and trafficking.  Links to services.  FAQ  Quizzes Information includes…. 7

8 Rights based approach 8 A rights-based approach to development describes situations not simply in terms of human needs, or developmental requirements, but in terms of society’s obligations to respond to the inalienable rights of individuals, empowers people to demand justice as a right, not as a charity, and gives communities a moral basis from which to claim international assistance when needed. (Kofi Annan, UN Secretary-General 1998)

9 Which rights are at stake? 9 Myanmar’s commitments:  International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action.  Beijing Platform for Action.  Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women.  Convention on the Rights of the Child.  Convention on the Rights of People Living with Disabilities.

10  The right to participate in decisions and programmes that concern you.  The right to attain the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health.  The right to access sexual and reproductive health information.  The right to access sexual and reproductive health services.  The right to make decisions concerning reproduction free of discrimination, coercion and violence  The right to have control over and decide freely and responsibly on matters related to your sexuality. Rights related to youth SRH 10

11  Analysis of duty-bearers and rights-holders.  People are recognized as key actors in their own development, rather than passive recipients of commodities and services.  Participation is both a means and a goal. Strategies are empowering, not disempowering.  Both outcomes and processes are monitored and evaluated.  Programmes focus on marginalized, disadvantaged, and excluded groups. Elements of good programming for HRBA 11

12  Involving a variety of youth in terms of religious and cultural backgrounds as well as disabled youth and youth from key populations.  Involving youth in the planning stages of app development (which content should be included).  Involving youth in the development of content of the app.  Involving youth in the development of the design of the app.  Involving youth in the development of promotional materials.  Involving youth in the promotion of the app. In practice… 12

13  Myanmar Medical Association  Mspiral  Youth Development Programme  Youth Information Corners (rural)  Youth from the Youth Forum  Implementing partners and other (I)NGOs This includes:  Youth living with a disability  Youth from key populations  Youth from various religious and ethnic backgrounds Developing together with…. 13

14  Expert (including youth and experts on youth SRHR and related topics inside and outside UNFPA) review of content to:  Ensure the app environment very user-friendly.  Ensure the content of the app youth friendly.  Ensure the information in the app is correct.  So that we are sure to reach our objectives and our goal of increasing the number of healthy, fully informed young people who are able to take responsible decisions concerning their sexual and reproductive health. With the help of experts 14

15 15 Ce zu tin ba de!

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