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Who are we? A service developed in partnership between MACC, VAM and CN4M An experienced staff team with a range of skills and specialisms Committed to.

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Presentation on theme: "Who are we? A service developed in partnership between MACC, VAM and CN4M An experienced staff team with a range of skills and specialisms Committed to."— Presentation transcript:


2 Who are we? A service developed in partnership between MACC, VAM and CN4M An experienced staff team with a range of skills and specialisms Committed to making a difference – a thriving third sector

3 What will we do? We will start with where you are We will be a critical friend We will encourage and support We will be a bridge We will be responsive and listen

4 What won’t we do? Make promises we can’t keep Claim to do the work of others Get it right over night

5 So, who can access the service? The service is for voluntary, community sector and resident groups in Manchester, working to make a difference in their local area, or community of interest, through activities that contribute to the social capital, either as a one-off or as an ongoing service

6 What have we achieved so far Brand A team Channels of communication A platform to build on


8 Information & Advice

9 First Point of Contact Telephone Information Service e-Bulletin Newsletter Website

10 Training

11 Key features Co-ordinated approach to training opportunities available Regular liaison with training providers Searchable database of courses via specific categories Direct links to training providers websites

12 Training - steps Visit training section at Click on ‘Current Courses’ or ‘Training Providers’ Choose appropriate course and book For further assistance contact

13 Basic Support

14 Key features Allocated to a Business Improvement Coordinator Telephone or email contact: someone to talk to More detailed explanations & information Some face-to-face support

15 Basic Support For straightforward support needs Training options available Basic Support completed Further basic support needs? –Access telephone information service Complex support needs identified? –In-depth support.

16 In Depth Support

17 Key features Bespoke service Outcome focussed service Diagnostic Organisational Health Check Change management Longer term Support Casework Management

18 Benefits to you A systematic and proven method of building strong sustainable organisations A managed process with clear outcomes and outputs A clear agreement between you and us about what we will do and what you will do

19 How will we know its working? Regular reviews of progress Strong feedback and evaluation systems Partnership working protocol Detailed casework recordings


21 What happens next?

22 Work with us Make the most of today Use the tools and resources Raise awareness Signpost Share


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