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BLO #3:Discuss how and why particular research methods are used at the biological level of analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "BLO #3:Discuss how and why particular research methods are used at the biological level of analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 BLO #3:Discuss how and why particular research methods are used at the biological level of analysis

2 Research Methods Specific research methods are used at the specific levels of analyses in distinct ways. It is important to note that the same research method can be used differently at each levels of analysis.

3 Research Methods Five research methods at the Biological Level of Analysis: 1.Experiments 2.Case Studies 3.Postmortem studies 4.Neuroimaging technologies 5.Correlational studies

4 Experiments Use a tightly controlled environment to establish a cause/effect relationship between two variables. Ex. The Rat Maze Study Martinez and Kesner (1991)

5 Experiments (cont) Pros: *low ecological validity (same effect in real life?) *produces quantitative data *cannot establish cause/effect relationship Cons: * low ecological validity

6 Experiments (cont) Human Research (not common for biological/genetic causes) Animal Research (to understand human behavior)

7 Why conduct animal research? Supporters argue that virtually every medical achievement in the 20th century relied on the use of animals in some way The Institute for Laboratory Animal Research of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences argues that even sophisticated computers are unable to model interactions between molecules, cells, tissues, organs, organisms, and the environment, making animal research necessary in many areas. More info:

8 Ethical considerations of animal research: The American Psychological Association (2002) states that animals may be used in research where conditions are potentially harmful for human and where results have great benefit for humans

9 Case Studies when scientists want to follow the case of a human with a particular type of damage or when the topic is a new field of study. Ex. Phineas Gage

10 Case Studies Pros: *case studies often add validity to psychological research *case studies may be the only way some phenomenon are studied Cons: *low reliability because they cannot be replicated *hard to generalize to the general population because the subject is not representative

11 Postmortem Studies Conducting an autopsy after the subject has dies. Positive: Allows researchers access to the brain. Negative: Limited validity in that the brain is no longer living. Ex. Wernicke & Broca’s Area

12 Brain Imaging Technologies Using new technology like the CAT, MRI, fMRI to collect qualitative data. Pros & Cons: Ex. Techno-Brain Burnout Study

13 Correlational Studies Establishes a relationship between two variables without manipulating a variable. Scarr & Weinberg (1977) Horn et al. (1979) Intelligence Study with adopted & natural siblings.

14 Correlational Studies (cont) Pros: *Produces quantitative data Cons: *No cause/effect relationship can be established.

15 Importance of Triangulation Triangulation is using multiple methods of investigation to explore the same phenomenon. *By investigating a behavior using different methods researchers can gain greater insight into its causes.

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