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Historic Avondale Design & Development Guidelines Application PL-12-0139 Presenter: Ken Galica, City of Avondale Planning Division Avondale Planning Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "Historic Avondale Design & Development Guidelines Application PL-12-0139 Presenter: Ken Galica, City of Avondale Planning Division Avondale Planning Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Historic Avondale Design & Development Guidelines Application PL-12-0139 Presenter: Ken Galica, City of Avondale Planning Division Avondale Planning Commission May 15, 2014

2 Background  Old Town Avondale Business District (OTAB) Design Guidelines adopted in 2001.  Establishes recommendations for site development, building design, landscape, signage, lighting, and public art.  Applies only to private properties fronting Western Avenue between Central Avenue and Dysart Road.  Very prescriptive document.  “Historic Avondale”  A designated area that includes much more than Western Avenue.  Largely developed 3 or more decades ago.  In need of design solutions that will enhance the historic character of the area but are also respectful of the limitations that properties face.  Enhancements to public right-of-way would be beneficial.  A vision of the City Council.

3 Public Involvement and Meetings  HADDG draft on City’s website for comment.  Email to interested parties seeking participation/comment.  Neighborhood Meetings  6/20/13 and 8/22/13  PC Work Session  7/18/13  Council Work Session  8/12/13

4 Historic Avondale Boundaries

5 Purpose  To provide a basis for understanding and assessing the design quality of proposed preservation, renovation, and new construction projects, both public and private, within the area’s boundaries.

6 Proposed Historic Avondale Design & Development Guidelines  Section I – Introduction  Section II – Historic Avondale Districts & Neighborhoods  Section III – Historic Avondale Design Guidelines  Section IV – Public Art Integration  Section V – Preservation, Renovation, and Infill Development  Section VI – Implementation Strategies  Appendix A – Design Library  Appendix B – Aerial Photograph Atlas

7 Districts and Neighborhoods  Historic Avondale is not homogeneous.  Era of development  Architectural styles  Land use  General character  Specialized guidelines for each distinct area required.  Predominantly commercial areas: DISTRICTS  Predominantly residential areas: NEIGHBORHOODS

8 Creative Arts District  Focus: Enhancing walkability/bikeability  Focus: Improving visibility/awareness (Wayfinding)  Focus: Art-centric development  Focus: Increase safety  Focus: Plan for future parking needs  Focus: Accommodate future “mercado”  Architectural Styles: Territorial, Pueblo Revival, Art Moderne, Spanish Revival, Modern (limited)

9 Creative Arts District

10 Central Avenue Business District  Focus: Improve pedestrian environment to link residents with essential services, schools, and churches  Focus: Stronger street presence by locating buildings at street  Architectural Styles: Open, but designs must incorporate historic-inspired elements

11 Central Avenue Business District

12 Dysart Road Business District  Focus: Pedestrian enhancements to accommodate transit dependent persons  Focus: Landscaping as a tool to lessen visual impacts of large parking lots  Architectural Styles: Open, but designs must incorporate historic-inspired elements

13 Dysart Road Business District

14 Main Street Business District  Focus: Create awareness of the prominent role Main Street played in transportation from 1940s-70s  Focus: Tree planting adjacent to sidewalks to create shade for pedestrians  Architectural Styles: Mid-20 th Century elements, including incorporation of colorful, attention getting illuminated signs and other “roadside Americana” elements

15 Eliseo C. Felix Industrial District  Focus: Eliminate undesirable views from the perspective of public streets.  Architectural Styles: Open

16 Founding Era Neighborhoods  Developed: Late 1930’s through 1940’s  Architectural Styles: Early Ranch, Spanish Colonial Revival, Pueblo Revival, and Early Southwest

17 Growth Era Neighborhoods  Developed: 1950’s through late 1960’s  Architectural Styles: Transitional ranch, Mid- Century suburban ranch

18 Contemporary Era Neighborhoods  Developed: 1970s through present day  Architectural Styles: Open

19 Section III: Design Guidelines  Applicable to projects in ALL Districts and Neighborhoods.  Designed to enhance the overall character of Historic Avondale and tie sub-areas together.  Guidelines for:  Sidewalks/plazas  Patios  Walls/Fences  Site Furnishings  Landscaping/Irrigation  Lighting  Signage  Gateway Monumentation

20 Section III: Design Guidelines

21 The Historic Avondale Design and Development Guidelines will assist in:  Creating a more walkable/bikeable environment.  Fostering the area’s growing art movement.  Increase awareness of Historic Avondale.  Growing a sense of place.  Allowing greater creativity in façade/building design while ensuring architecture is contextually appropriate in a given location.

22 Approval Recommendation

23 Discussion and Recommendation

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