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Business and Computing Deanery 3D Modelling Tools Week 5 Low polygon modelling.

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Presentation on theme: "Business and Computing Deanery 3D Modelling Tools Week 5 Low polygon modelling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business and Computing Deanery 3D Modelling Tools Week 5 Low polygon modelling

2 3D Modelling Tools 2 Last week Lecture Transformations Cloning and arrays Grouping Modifiers Set Portfolio 1 Keep an eye on the website for dates Tutorial Portfolio 1 To be handed in at the tutorial next week Tutorials Space scene Chess set

3 3D Modelling Tools 3 From previous week The importance of lining things up Snaps, grid, align Cloning Arrays Grouping Modifiers

4 3D Modelling Tools 4 This week Low polygon modelling Working with sub-objects Modelling two general categories Parametric Editable

5 3D Modelling Tools 5 Editable objects Not have the same flexibility of parameters They deal with sub-objects and editing functions Editable objects include: Meshes Polygons Patch Splines Murdock K.L., (2005)

6 3D Modelling Tools 6 Editable objects Are not created They are converted from another object, usually a primitive Loose their parametric properties after they have been converted Edit sub-objects Edges Vertices Faces Murdock K.L. (2005)

7 3D Modelling Tools 7 Surface Modeling Surface modeling is more free form than geometric (parametric) modeling Use the modifier stack to “collapse” a parametric model to some form of editable surface Once you have done so, a variety of tools let you shape the surface 3ds max v7

8 3D Modelling Tools 8 Modeller concepts Types of modelling systems: Parametric Mesh Polygon Spline Patch Many 3D modelling tools combine two or more of these basic techniques Giambruno M, (2002)

9 3D Modelling Tools 9 Parametric modellers Retain their base geometric information Default shape Current size Segments This information can be accessed and altered Can be spline or polygon based Deformations can be applied

10 3D Modelling Tools 10 Polygon modellers Objects constructed with polygons Made up of tiny, flat surfaces More polygons mean More detail Bigger file sizes Low polygon Used in real-time games Small file sizes Quick to render 3ds max v7

11 3D Modelling Tools 11 Polygons Objects composed of faces An editable poly is a polygonal mesh Unlike an editable mesh, it uses more than three-sided polygons Five sub-object levels Vertex Edge Border Polygon Element

12 3D Modelling Tools 12 Meshes A mesh object made up of triangular faces as an object and at three sub- object levels Vertex Edge Face Faces are smoothed together when rendered

13 3D Modelling Tools 13 Spline modellers A line defined as points, usually curved Resolution independent No faces Useful for creating organic shapes Different types B-spline Bezier NURBS Non-uniform rational b-splines Giambruno M, (2002)

14 3D Modelling Tools 14 Spline types B-spline Bezier NURBS More information at al 3D Graphics and animation

15 3D Modelling Tools 15 Patch modellers Use a network of control points Lattice of splines or polygons Stretch or tug on the shape Useful for organic forms 3ds max v7

16 3D Modelling Tools 16 Mesh or poly - which to use? History lesson Initially Max only supported mesh objects Subdividing the mesh into triangular faces ensured that all faces were coplanar Guaranteed to render well Over time rendering engines have been modified to handle polygons Makes the model more efficient Eliminates all the extra edges required to triangulate the mesh Murdock K.L. (2005)

17 3D Modelling Tools 17 Why do I want to count them? Which to use? Check with your game engine Some still require that all faces be coplanar Working with polygon is quicker More advanced editing features with Max Polygon count feature Sometimes the terms are interchanged!!!

18 3D Modelling Tools 18 Converting to editable objects Use the Quad menu Or Right click the object in the Modifier Stack 3ds max v7

19 3D Modelling Tools 19 Converting to editable objects If a modifier has been applied to an object you need to use the Collapse All command first Combines the stack operations Cannot undo, save a backup file You can convert between different types but each conversion may subdivide the object You can apply a modifier to convert an object Retains the parametric qualities of the object, but you cannot edit the mesh

20 3D Modelling Tools 20 Editable Mesh Surface Polygon mesh 3ds max v7

21 3D Modelling Tools 21 Working with sub-objects Insert a vertex Multiple selection Control + click Draw a lasso Select region 3ds max v7

22 3D Modelling Tools 22 Edit face A face is the smallest possible mesh object A polygon formed by three vertices Faces provide the renderable surface of an object 3ds max v7

23 3D Modelling Tools 23 Extrude Bevel 3ds max v7

24 3D Modelling Tools 24 Activity Make a crown Create a tube Convert to an editable poly Extrude polygons

25 3D Modelling Tools 25 Soft selection The Soft Selection controls allow you to partially select sub- objects in the vicinity of an explicit selection This causes the explicit selection to behave as if surrounded by a "magnetic field" 3ds max v7

26 3D Modelling Tools 26 Working with vertices Select one or more vertices Magnetic of soft selection Use for transforms of vertices The program applies a spline curve deformation to unselected vertices surrounding the transformed selected sub- object A magnet-like effect with a sphere of influence around the transformation 3ds max v7

27 3D Modelling Tools 27 Activity Make a face Create a sphere Convert to a polygon Push and pull vertices to make a face using soft selection Not easy!

28 3D Modelling Tools 28 Edit Edge An edge is a line, visible or invisible, forming the side of a face and connecting two vertices Two faces can share a single edge

29 3D Modelling Tools 29 Poly counts Total number of polygons that make up a given object 3D rendering engines have limits Software has a Polygon Counter utility You can set a budget for selected objects

30 3D Modelling Tools 30 Low polygon modelling What happens to a game if the polycount in a model is too high? Too slow to play May crash the system Overlapping meshes or undeleted faces may affect the appearance Planning of low polygon models is important

31 3D Modelling Tools 31 Spec-ing a low polygon model File format Number and type of polygons Use of texture maps Particular type? Colour depth? Specific size? Transparency? Examine any sample models

32 3D Modelling Tools 32 Portfolio 2 Repeat a much as possible of Portfolio 1 using low polygon modelling techniques Count the polygons, record the number on your paper submission Screen grab of 3ds max of your model of: A room created from primitives Floor 3 walls Containing a table Rectangular table top Four rectangular legs Plus four chairs or stools And on the table place Six oranges spaced equally in a circle A coffee pot

33 3D Modelling Tools 33 Next week Lecture 2D to 3D modelling Storyboards Tutorial Portfolio 1 and 2 Modelling a Claw Modelling an Airplane

34 3D Modelling Tools 34 Impendent study Directed reading 3DS Max 7 Bible Read Chapter 13 Portfolio 1 and 2 Tutorials Modelling a Claw Modelling an Airplane

35 3D Modelling Tools 35 Questions You have been asked to model an aeroplane for use in a game What do you need to know before you start modelling Describe the difference between geometric and surface modelling, which method would you use, justify your choice Describe the difference between mesh and polygon modelling, which method would you use, justify your choice

36 3D Modelling Tools 36 References 3ds max v7, (2005) User Reference and Tutorials Giambruno M, (2002) 3D Graphics & Animation, 2nd Edition, New Riders, ISBN: 0-7357-1243-3 Kerlow I. V., (2003) The Art of 3-D Computer Animation and Effects, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc; ISBN: 0471430366 Murdock K.L., (2005) 3DS Max 7 Bible, John Wiley & Sons Inc, ISBN: 0764579711

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