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UNIT 8 ED 561 DR. TAYLOR.   What concerns do you have about your ability to teach science or effectively run a classroom?  In what areas do you feel.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 8 ED 561 DR. TAYLOR.   What concerns do you have about your ability to teach science or effectively run a classroom?  In what areas do you feel."— Presentation transcript:


2   What concerns do you have about your ability to teach science or effectively run a classroom?  In what areas do you feel confident?  What possible challenges do you think you will overcome?  Why do you want to be a science teacher? Compare your reasons to those of your classmates and consider how you can use these reasons to motivate your students. 

3  Sources agree that there is a severe shortage of science teachers. What are the implications of this shortage, both for your personal career and for the nation? What else will you have to do to become a competent science teacher? What sites will help you continue research and professional development? Why is this necessary?

4  Ashli's discovering what they didn't tell her about in teacher education. I have a list of frustrations, mainly things they don't teach you in "teacher school," 1. Copy machine 101 2. 7th and 8th graders can't walk quietly down the hall without grabbing each other, but the preK-5th graders can. Why is that? Why didn't "teacher school" prepare me for that?

5  Ginny has some organizational ideas. One of the most effective organization, get-them-seated and role-taken strategies for me is having a series of warmups. I have one for each day of the year and often come up with new ones. They learn to come in, sit down, get out their materials and start doing the warmup on the overhead. They each have a spiral notebook and know to write the date and answer starting from the back of the notebook, for we start our notes from the front. Wednesday's question for all classes "What is YOUR definition of terrorism?" Sometimes we discuss the question, but often we don't. My 7th grade geography classes have an atlas under every desk and most days there is a geography question or two and they must use the atlas to find the info. Hope this helps. My first year in middle school became much easier when an experienced middle school teacher passed this hint to me. By the way, I did not start teaching middle level until I was 48. All I knew were "little" ones and media.

6  Carolyn is a second-year teacher with new-teacher concerns. This is my second year, but I still classify myself as "new". Of course, I have lost my mentor (you only get that the first year) and I am a co-team leader this year. So my list of frustrations are still long... 1. New uniform policy - I feel like the uniform police and it is the same kids over and over.. 2. How to respond to a 13 year old when they say "Why are you in my face?" 3. Managing the reams of dead trees. 4. What to do with a low level class who refuses (won't, can't) to do homework. 5. I still haven't figured out an easy, low maintenance, low time method of keeping track of grades and attendance in one grade book. 6. I have two classes that constantly talk. They stop when I raise my hand, but then they start right up again. I could probably think of many more, but it is Fri and I am exhausted.

7  They're saying it to shock you or enrage you or simply because they feel embarassed or threatened. They are most likely trying to save face. I would say "because I care" or "because I like you and want you to succeed" or something like that. Leighann ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. How to respond to a 13 year old when they say "Why you in my face?" "Because it is just oh-so-cute and in front of me all of the time. Now, can we return to our work, or shall we table this conversation for a later time?" 4. What to do with a low level class who refuses (won't, can't) to do homework. Figure out WHY they aren't doing it, then create strategies to address it. Is it too difficult? Is it not connected to in class activities? Do they not realize the impact on their grades? Does it need to be more interactive, creative, etc? And are they really low level, or are they just lacking basic skills but thinking at a higher level? Sometimes we give these "low" kids remedial work which does not really meet their intellectual needs; challenge their mental ability, and address skills in context. 



10  Good science teachers must demonstrate an understanding of scientific knowledge and inquiry as well as the ability to implement effective teaching methods.   Good science teachers must also develop solid interpersonal relationships with students, and commit themselves to continual growth and professional development.   The shortage of science teachers is a nationwide problem with serious ramifications for the future 


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