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We’re down how much!? Missouri Community College Association May 26, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "We’re down how much!? Missouri Community College Association May 26, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 We’re down how much!? Missouri Community College Association May 26, 2016

2 Greetings! Ken DeSieghardt Patron Insight, Inc.

3 Today we’ll talk about: The past Today Steps to take for a bright future

4 Today: Enrollment is down. (as if that isn’t on your mind 24/7 already…) The competition for students is fierce. Employer needs are evolving. The economy has recovered/is continuing to recover.

5 About the economy… (Uhh…who is this guy?) Bob Bonney (again, who is this guy?)

6 As I said, competition is for students is fierce! So, who is the competition? Other educational options The prospect’s economic situation Apathy Most importantly, a stagnant brand

7 I bet you can guess what this is: Carbonated water, caramel color, aspartame, phosphoric acid, potassium benzoate, natural flavors, citric acid, caffeine (Does that really make you want a Diet Coke?)

8 So, what is your elevator speech? “The mission of (name redacted) Public Schools is to work in partnership with students, families and the community to ensure that each student acquires the knowledge, skills and core values necessary to achieve personal success and to enrich the community.” (Wait. What?) Think 20/80/20 “We prepare students for a successful future.”

9 Meet Elmer Wheeler “America’s greatest salesman!” (according to him) 1937 book, Tested sentences that sell “Sell the sizzle, not the steak” “Sizzle” answers questions before they are even asked, such as… “What’s in it for me?” “Why should I care?” “How does this affect me?”

10 What would your college’s brand/elevator speech have been in 1996 (or during your first year, if its been at least 10 years)? What is it in 2016?

11 Who can help you define your brand/elevator speech? Your audiences: Current students Faculty and staff Area business/civic/political leaders Prospective students Community at large Alumni

12 You know what you want your brand to be. These audiences will tell you what your brand is. Who do you ask first? Think “Inside out”

13 The current student data you need: Demographics and geography* How did they contact you? Who influenced them to make contact? What did they already know about you? What is their life/work situation? What were their first three questions/they clicked on? Where do they get their news and information (generally, not just about colleges)? How do they perceive the “climate” at school? Others? *Already have, just need to maximize its value

14 Why is this important? It’s easier to get more of these people (prospective students who fit the profile of a current group of students – traditional, non-traditional, for example) Than it is to get these people (every prospective student)

15 Think snapshot and trend. Collect this data on a schedule/as a regular protocol, etc. Assemble data from a defined time period – snapshot Determine the direction your data is moving so you can adjust accordingly – trend

16 A word about alumni. An audience with stories to tell: Their community college experience Where are they now? Exit interview question: “Based on your experience here, how would you describe (unnamed) Community College to others?”

17 The faculty* and staff* data you need: Based on your experiences, how would you describe the community college to a family member? A friend? What makes you proud to work here (if anything)? What concerns you the most (if anything)? How would you evaluate the “climate” at the college? *Your second-most important “sales staff” members.

18 The community data you need: When your community college is mentioned (read about, driven by, etc.), what comes to mind for the average resident? Have they even been on the campus? What would they say about your school to a newcomer? What is your relative importance in the community?

19 OK. So, how do I get all this data? Creating protocols to capture incoming data. Setting a schedule for conducting research with each audience. (Remember, snapshot and trend.) What are you looking for? The gaps between what you are saying and what they (whoever they is at the time) care about.

20 See the gaps. Fill the gaps. Evolve your messaging.

21 Sizzle… …Not steak

22 From now on, your communications acid test is… Why Should They Care?

23 Your turn to talk now. Please.

24 Thank you! Ken DeSieghardt Patron Insight, Inc. 816-225-0668

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