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The Russian Revolution Topic/Objective: Describing causes and immediate effects of the Russian Revolution (1917) Essential Question: How did Lenin’s Russia.

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Presentation on theme: "The Russian Revolution Topic/Objective: Describing causes and immediate effects of the Russian Revolution (1917) Essential Question: How did Lenin’s Russia."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Russian Revolution Topic/Objective: Describing causes and immediate effects of the Russian Revolution (1917) Essential Question: How did Lenin’s Russia differ from tsarist Russia? Was the revolution more beneficial or harmful for Russia?

2 Bell-Ringer Karl Marx predicted that workers would eventually grow so tired of their poor conditions that they would rebel against the entire capitalist system. Karl Marx predicted that workers would eventually grow so tired of their poor conditions that they would rebel against the entire capitalist system. Workers would then abolish all social classes and their government would have complete control over wealth and property Workers would then abolish all social classes and their government would have complete control over wealth and property So far, no country has totally achieved Marx’s vision. Why do you think that is the case? Is it even possible? So far, no country has totally achieved Marx’s vision. Why do you think that is the case? Is it even possible?

3 Background: Pre-Revolutionary Russia Czars very oppressive Czars very oppressive Small revolts – soon a full-scale revolution Small revolts – soon a full-scale revolution Nicholas II (of Romanov dynasty) – wouldn’t surrender any power, liked tradition Nicholas II (of Romanov dynasty) – wouldn’t surrender any power, liked tradition

4 Causes Industrialization – bad working conditions, low wages, child labor Industrialization – bad working conditions, low wages, child labor Agitation from revolutionaries Agitation from revolutionaries Russo-Japanese War (1904-5) – Japan beats Russia Russo-Japanese War (1904-5) – Japan beats Russia Bloody Sunday (1905) – workers approach czar’s Winter Palace Bloody Sunday (1905) – workers approach czar’s Winter Palace –Shot down by soldiers

5 Causes World War I: “The Last Straw” Not prepared, many died: unpopular at home Not prepared, many died: unpopular at home Nicholas moves to war front and incompetently manages army Nicholas moves to war front and incompetently manages army Alexandra runs gov’t. Alexandra runs gov’t.

6 Causes Alexandra: The Power Behind the Throne Advised by Rasputin – a monk claiming to have magical healing powers Advised by Rasputin – a monk claiming to have magical healing powers Rasputin heals son Alexei - given political power Rasputin heals son Alexei - given political power Spreads corruption Spreads corruption Assassinated by nobles Assassinated by nobles

7 Alexei: Alexandra’s Son with Hemophilia

8 The Hardest Man to Kill…Ever

9 A Hard Man to Kill Secretly fed 7 doses of cyanide in cake and wine… Secretly fed 7 doses of cyanide in cake and wine… Then shot in the back and left for dead… Then shot in the back and left for dead… Assassin returns to palace to retrieve coat AND… Assassin returns to palace to retrieve coat AND… Rasputin jumps to his feet and attempts to strangle and chase the assassin Rasputin jumps to his feet and attempts to strangle and chase the assassin Other assassins take notice and shoot Rasputin at least 2 more times, landing a head shot Other assassins take notice and shoot Rasputin at least 2 more times, landing a head shot Rasputin comes to his feet and is not bleeding that much…NOW WHAT!? Rasputin comes to his feet and is not bleeding that much…NOW WHAT!? Assassins savagely club him, dragging his body to the nearest river Assassins savagely club him, dragging his body to the nearest river When body was recovered the cause of death was determined to be… When body was recovered the cause of death was determined to be… Hypothermia! (freezing to death) Hypothermia! (freezing to death)

10 The Collapse of the Imperial Government (cont) Rasputin assassinated in December of 1916 Rasputin assassinated in December of 1916 –“If I die or you desert me, in 6 months you will lose your son and your throne.”

11 The March Revolution (1917) Workers on strike in Petrograd Workers on strike in Petrograd Soldiers join in Soldiers join in Nicholas II abdicates Nicholas II abdicates Provisional Gov’t – leaders of Parliament (Duma), headed by Alexander Kerensky Provisional Gov’t – leaders of Parliament (Duma), headed by Alexander Kerensky Revolutionaries formed SOVIETS – local councils of workers, peasants, soldiers Revolutionaries formed SOVIETS – local councils of workers, peasants, soldiers

12 Bolshevik Revolution Bolsheviks – group of radical socialists led by Vladimir (V.I.) Lenin Bolsheviks – group of radical socialists led by Vladimir (V.I.) Lenin Topple Provisional Govt in a coup d’etat Topple Provisional Govt in a coup d’etat Bolsheviks take power and make Russia a communist state Bolsheviks take power and make Russia a communist state Russia signs Treaty of Brest-Litovsk w/ Germany Russia signs Treaty of Brest-Litovsk w/ Germany –OUT OF WWI –Land given to Germany formed into new countries (Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Ukraine)

13 Effects Civil War Civil War –Reds vs. Whites  Reds – Communists led by Leon Trotsky  Whites – opposed communism and end of war –U.S. and Allies help Whites  Communists distrust West –Lasted 3 years – REDS win

14 Effects Czar and family executed – ended czarist rule Czar and family executed – ended czarist rule Lenin’s Ideas Lenin’s Ideas –Tries to rebuild economy (i.e. New Economic Plan or NEP) –Organized Russia into several republics under a central government (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – USSR) –Used terror to control critics  Cheka – secret police force


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