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Semester 1 Final Exam Review. The People “consent of the governed” Locke & Rousseau According to Enlightenment philosophers, who should choose the government?

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Presentation on theme: "Semester 1 Final Exam Review. The People “consent of the governed” Locke & Rousseau According to Enlightenment philosophers, who should choose the government?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Semester 1 Final Exam Review

2 The People “consent of the governed” Locke & Rousseau According to Enlightenment philosophers, who should choose the government?

3 Divine Right NOOOOOO!!!!! What is the idea that God chose the king/queen and they should have full freedom to rule? Would Enlightenment philosophers agree with this?

4 Social Contract The agreement between people and their government is called…

5 Cesare Beccaria What Enlightenment philosopher argued for no torture, no executions, due process, punishment fitting the crime, and other criminal rights?

6 Thomas Hobbes Who believed that we are all born evil, will war against each other and that life is ugly?

7 John Locke Who said we are all born free & equal with natural rights? What did he say was the purpose of the government?

8 Enlightened Despots Absolute monarchs who adopted some of the ideas of the Enlightenment are called…

9 What Enlightenment philosophers and their ideas influenced the Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, Constitution, & Declaration of the Rights of Man? Bill of Rights Voltaire: freedom of speech & religion Locke: natural rights Beccaria: no torture, due process, etc. Declaration of Independence Locke: purpose of gov’t to protect rights, overthrow an oppressive gov’t, natural rights… Constitution Montesquieu: separation of powers Locke: elections (people decide) Declaration of Rights of Man Beccaria: no torture, due process, innocent until proven guilty, etc. Voltaire: freedom of speech & religion Locke: natural rights

10 W eak leaders F amine E nlightenment Ideas U nfair taxes D ebt What were the 5 causes of the French Revolution?

11 National Assembly adopts the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen Royal family tries to escape to Austria Emigres fled France and ask for help to restore the King Jacobins (radicals) take control of Assembly List & explain 4 events that led to the overthrow of King Louis XVI.

12 Reign of Terror Robespierre & Committee of Public Safety After King Louis XVI was executed, what was the period of time when executions increased? Who carried it out?

13 Revolution caused 10 years of craziness Napoleon became a hero saving the republic How did Napoleon take power in France?

14 Becomes Hero Military Successes Napoleonic Code Crowns himself emperor Explain 3 events that led to the rise of Napoleon.

15 Battle of Trafalgar Continental System Peninsular War Invasion of Russia List 3 events that led to his fall from power.

16 Balanced power in Europe to ensure no country could overpower other countries What were the results of the Congress of Vienna (after Napoleon)?

17 Great Britain 1. natural resources (coal, iron) 2. WATER! 3. stable government 4. lots of workers What country first industrialized? List 4 reasons why it did.

18 Overcrowded, poor sanitation, pollution, diseases spread, poverty Explain living conditions during the Industrial Revolution.

19 dangerous, low wages, long hours, child labor, women paid less… Explain working conditions during the Industrial Revolution.

20 More inventions, better technology, more money, more goods/products, eventually workers win better working conditions due to UNIONS!!! What were some long term positives caused by the Industrial Rev?

21 Capitalism- Individuals and businesses can own property, consumers buy best products creating a market economy, and the government should not interfere with the economy Communism: The State owns property and the means of production (Factories); the state protects the rights of workers; and the State distributes all goods according to each person’s needs Explain the differences between Capitalism & Communism.

22 Industrial Revolution created a demand for more Raw Materials to increase production of goods. Imperialism was the result of controlling new territories around the world by creating Colonies and Spheres of Influence Explain the connection between the Industrial Revolution & Imperialism.

23 1. Economic: new markets, raw materials 2. Racism: Social Darwinism 3. Religion: missionary zeal 4. Nationalism: pride in country What were the 4 motives for Imperialism.

24 Berlin Conference At what meeting did European countries divide Africa?

25 Militarism (arms race) Alliances (countries had rivalries & united with others for protection) Imperialism (competing for colonies & resources) Nationalism (my country is stronger) What were the 4 MAIN causes of World War I?

26 Many ethnic groups did not want to be ruled by Austria-Hungary Why was the Balkan Peninsula the “Powder Keg of Europe?”

27 Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Austria- Hungary) What event ignited WWI?

28 ALLIANCES!!! Why did so many countries get involved in the war?

29 Triple Alliance Germany Italy Austria-Hungary Triple Entente Russia England France Name the 2 alliances prior to WWI and the countries in each.

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