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RECOVERY WITHOUT RELAPSE 1 OXFORD HOUSE INC. Oxford House, Inc., 1010 Wayne Ave, #300, Silver Spring, MD 20910 phone: 301-587-2916 – fax: 301-589-0302.

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Presentation on theme: "RECOVERY WITHOUT RELAPSE 1 OXFORD HOUSE INC. Oxford House, Inc., 1010 Wayne Ave, #300, Silver Spring, MD 20910 phone: 301-587-2916 – fax: 301-589-0302."— Presentation transcript:

1 RECOVERY WITHOUT RELAPSE 1 OXFORD HOUSE INC. Oxford House, Inc., 1010 Wayne Ave, #300, Silver Spring, MD 20910 phone: 301-587-2916 – fax: 301-589-0302 – email:

2 Origin... 2 Oxford House started with one house in Silver Spring, Maryland in 1975. They have since spread throughout the world and there are now over 1,500 houses. People can live in an Oxford House as long as they are drug and alcohol free and contribute to House solidarity which includes an equal amount of the household expenses. Stability in houses is a result of residents moving out when they believe it is the “right thing to do”. Houses available to both men and women, and women with children.

3 Oxford Houses Are Based On Three Core Principles: 3 Each house must be Democratically run The house membership is responsible for all household expenses The house must immediately expel any member who returns to using drugs and alcohol

4 Our membership 4 Admitting the problem is the First step in Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation. Programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous offer initial support. Some individuals choose detoxification or a 28 day Rehabilitation -- if they can find or afford these services. In many cases, individuals detoxify in criminal custody.

5 Why Oxford House? Oxford House Residents are More Successful 5 Other privately run substance abuse rehabilitation facilities and government mandated programs yield a major difference in success rate of their patients.  Private facilities 35% of residents remain sober after one year following treatment.  Veteran’s Administration 6% According to DePaul research compiled over the last 5 years the average rate of success for Oxford House alumni has consistently remained between 65-87%. More specific information regarding this study may be accessed through:

6 6 Traditional Halfway House Sober Living House Oxford House Limited StayYesNo StaffYesSometimesNo Expulsion for useYesMaybeYes Ave. cost to Resident$15 to $50 a week$125-$175 a week$100 a week ProfitNoYesNo Good NeighborhoodSeldomYes SocializationWeak Strong Primary Common BondWe versus ThemPlace to StayRecovery Self-EfficacyLow High Uniform Operating Standards No Yes Capital Cost for HouseYes No Fire SafetyYesMaybeYes Sobriety continuous10%Less than 50%69% – 87% ZoningDifficult NIMBYRooming house, if court tested Protected FHA Taxpayer Direct Cost$23,000 - $35,000/yr/bed If individual subsidy$150-$350/yr/bed

7 What Makes Oxford House Different? 7 Oxford House uses 9 traditions for success The house is democratically self-run The house membership is responsible for all household expenses The house must immediately expel any member who uses alcohol or drugs.

8 Clients Become Vested 8 The Members of Oxford House have a interest in insuring the house is run smoothly. Each Oxford House is run by elected officers.

9 How an Oxford House Gets Started in Your Region 9 Oxford House sends outreach workers to an area, where they introduce themselves to the newly sober community, through treatment facilities, AA or NA meetings and other community programs. After approaching individuals interested in Oxford House residency and a suitable rental residence is selected, the new residents move in. These individuals then organize the house under the guidelines set by the Oxford House program.

10 Where are Oxford Houses Located? 10 Oxford Houses are situated in prosperous, friendly neighborhoods throughout the nation. Houses located in 46 states including Washington, DC. Worldwide in Australia, Canada, Ghana and the United Kingdom. Group Home Living in Friendly Neighborhoods

11 Efficient Deployment of Investment resources 11 Direct labor and labor overhead Travel expenses for staff Protection of rights under the Federal Fair Housing Act Amendment of 1988 General and administrative expenses to provide the staff necessary to support outreach workers, audit requirements, data collection, etc. Legal expenses to protect against NIMBY Technical Assistance To Assure Quality Control Funding for Oxford House, Where Does it go?

12 Cost to Your State 12 Many Oxford House residents’ last address was a penal facility. States spend significant amounts to fund inmates every year. Examples per inmate are:  North Carolina: $ 22,787  Texas: $19,071.25  Louisiana: $17,144 With Oxford House inmate cost is reduced dramatically. State contribution for each Oxford House resident averages $326.37. North Carolina - North Carolina Department of Corrections Texas - Texas Department of Corrections Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Corrections Oxford House cost based on Louisiana.

13 Overview of Organization 13

14 Oxford House is the Solution 14 State Investment to fund Oxford House expenses contributes to making people productive citizens, reduces homelessness and prevents relapse. In such a partnership, recovering substance abusers and their communities create an opportunity to return people to mainstream living. As we reduce the number of relapses: the cost of incarceration and homelessness drops the number of children born with "crack syndrome" drops the number of alcohol/drug related crimes, like family physical abuse, drops

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