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MP4: 3-WCA REVIEW The Cold War, the Civil Rights Movement, & the Vietnam War.

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Presentation on theme: "MP4: 3-WCA REVIEW The Cold War, the Civil Rights Movement, & the Vietnam War."— Presentation transcript:

1 MP4: 3-WCA REVIEW The Cold War, the Civil Rights Movement, & the Vietnam War

2 1. What was the goal of the Marshal Plan? ◦ Restore the economic stability of European nations after WWII by providing food, machines, & other materials. US targets countries who want democratic reform.

3 2. What was the Truman Doctrine? ◦ 1947: To aid “free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures”, to help those who are fighting communism and to help them become democratic nations.

4 3. What does NATO stand for? What was its purpose? ◦ North Atlantic Treaty Organization: Est. 1949 to as a defense military alliance formed by 10 Western European countries and the U.S. & Canada, marks the 1 st peace time military agreement.

5 4. What is the significance of the Korean War? ◦ North Koreans want to unite the Korean peninsula under a communist government; South Korea wishes to remain a Democratic society. ◦ The U.S. enters to help South Korea remain democratic ◦ U.S. justifies involvement with policy of containment

6 5. What was the Cold War? ◦ Non- violent conflict-War of words between the Democratic United States and Communist Russia, ends with the fall of Communism in Russia (Fall of the Berlin Wall 1989).

7 6. What was the U.S.’s response to Sputnik? ◦ enforced/ promoted math, science, foreign language classes in schools & the launch of the NASA program.

8 7. What was the policy of Containment? ◦ To stop the spread of communism by creating alliances to help weak countries to resist the Soviet Union. EX: Korean War.

9 8. What is the significance of the Tet Offensive? ◦ Proved to be a psychological win for the Americans (1 month later), & learned we were fighting against a very determined NV regime. Initially, Americans feel a loss of confidence, we are losing this war.

10 9. What is the Domino Theory? ◦ the belief that if Vietnam fell to communism, so too would the other nations of Southeast Asia

11 10. What is the significance of the26 th amendment? ◦ Lowers the voting age to 18. ◦ Male citizens were drafted to fight a war at 18, but could not vote? ◦ 26 th amendment passed as a result of the draft during the Vietnam War.

12 11. What was the significance of the Cuban Missile Crisis? ◦ Soviets assembled long- range missiles in Cuba- too close for comfort for the U.S., making us susceptible to attacks. Missiles were nuclear= FATAL!

13 12. What is the significance of Brown v. the Board of Education? ◦ Over turns Plessy vs. Ferguson in 1954, Separate but Equal IS NO LONGER EQUAL. ◦ SEPARATE BY EQUAL IS ILLEGAL

14 13. What was the Montgomery Bus Boycott, who led it? Who started it? ◦ Started by Rosa Parks in December 1954, led by Martin Luther King Jr. boycotted busses in Montgomery, AL because they were segregated. Lasts over a year, finally, segregation on busses becomes unconstitutional.

15 14. What is the significance of the Civil Rights Act 1964? ◦ Civil Rights Act 1964=Segregation is ILLIGEAL in ALL PUBLIC PLACES. ◦ Equal access to: Restaurants, Hotels, Theater. ◦ Ends discrimination in the workplace ◦ Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

16 15. Who were the Little Rock Nine? ◦ 9 African American students who were granted a court order allowing them to attend classes at Little Rock Central High School.

17 16. Why did public support for the Vietnam War begin to fade? ◦ Public support for the Vietnam War begins to fade because to the heavy losses sustained after the Tet Offensive, too many casualties. First televised war.

18 17.What were Jim Crow laws? ◦ laws created to enforce segregation

19 18. What forms of Protests did people engage in during the Civil Rights Movement? ◦ Sit- Ins ◦ Freedom Riders ◦ March on Washington, Selma ◦ Montgomery Bus Boycott ◦ Watts Riot ◦ Black Panther Party

20 19. What is the significance of the 24 th amendment? ◦ The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax

21 20. What is the significance of the Voting Rights Act of 1965? ◦ ensured African Americans’ right to vote

22 21. Who was MLK, why was he important? ◦ MLK led the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Leader of the SCLC, was the symbol for the peace movement of the Civil Rights Movement.

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