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PROVIDING STOCK AND SAUCE Department: Restaurant Skill Competence: Restaurant Service Standard of Competence: Processing Continental Dishes Basic Competence:

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Presentation on theme: "PROVIDING STOCK AND SAUCE Department: Restaurant Skill Competence: Restaurant Service Standard of Competence: Processing Continental Dishes Basic Competence:"— Presentation transcript:

1 PROVIDING STOCK AND SAUCE Department: Restaurant Skill Competence: Restaurant Service Standard of Competence: Processing Continental Dishes Basic Competence: Processing stock, soup and sauce

2 Art & Tourism A. Providing Stock 1.Definition of Stock Stock is a liquid produced from boiling meat or bone, vegetable, and seasoning so the extract is gained Stock Bones or MeatVegetablesSeasoning

3 Art & Tourism 2.Materials for Making Stock There are five components to make stock: a.Bones b.Meat c.Mirepoix Mirepoix is a combination of yellow onion, carrot and celery. d.Sour products e.Salt and spice

4 Art & Tourism Mirepoix

5 Art & Tourism 3. Kinds of stock Stock can be classified into the techniques of making and its color: White stock Stock is produced without burning bones and vegetables before boiling process. This white stock is clear. Brown stock Stock is made by burning bones and vegetables before boiling. The color is brown.

6 Art & Tourism White stock Brown stock

7 4.Tools for making stock 1.Stock pot 2.Roasting pan 3.Chopping board or chopping block 4.Bone knife 5.Vegetable knife 6.Conical strainer 7.Tammy cloth or muslim cloth 8.Perforated spoon Art & Tourism

8 5. Procedures of making white stock a.Cut the bones until 3-4 inches (8-10 cm). It is intended to make the surface larger and easier to gain the extracts. b.Blanching process to clean dirt on the bones c.Put the bones in the stock pot, and pour water until cover the bones d.Boil it (simmer). e.Add chopped mirepoix, and spice. f.Keep stock in slow simmer. Art & Tourism

9 g.Clean the dirt as often as possible during cooking h. Keep the volume of water to cover the bones. Add water periodically if needed. i. Boil simmer as needed, for beef and veal 6-8 hours, for chicken bones 3-4 hours, and for fish bones 30-45 minutes. j.Clean the dirt using chine cap and cheese cloch. k.Leave stock as fast as possible. After it is cool, put it into refrigerator and cover it. Art & Tourism 5. Procedures of Making White Stock

10 6. The Procedure of Making Brown Stock a.Cut the bones into 3-4 inches (8-10 cm) like white stock. b.You do not need to wash it or blanch it c.Put he bones into roasting pan as hot as 375 celcius d.If they are already brown, lift them and put them on the stock pot. Pour cool water until cover the bones and boil them. e.Leave the fat into roasting pan. Deglaze by adding some water, stir it above the fire until dripping well, and put it on the stock pot. Art & Tourism

11 f. When the stock is heated, put mirepoix and fat into roasting pan. Then bake it into oven. g. When water on the stock reaches simmer, start to clean the fat appears h. Add vegetables and tomato products into stock pot. Simmer for about 3-4 hours. i. Continue these procedures as the procedure of white stock. Art & Tourism 6. The Procedure of Making Brown Stock

12 7. Keeping stock a.Stock can be kept until 1 week in refrigerator in the temperature 1 °C-4 °C b.Stock can be kept for 3 months in freezer. c.Stock must be cool before putting it into freezer d.To make it cool faster, stock can be kept into iced water e.Use stockpot and label it with date on every stock Art 7 Tourism

13 8. Criteria of stock Good stock must fulfill the following criteria:  White stock; clear, clean without fat  Brown stock; brownish like tea, clean, clear, not oily  Unclear Stock means that the procedures of making stock are not correct Art & Tourism

14 B. Preparing Sauce 1.Definition of sauce Sauce is liquid which is emulated by an emulator, so it can be semi liquid and served with meat, fish, sweet cakes to raise the quality of the food 2. Function of sauce a.Add the taste of the food. b.Add the liquid to food to make it humid c.Raise food aroma d.Raise food appearance (color and shine) e.Add more nutrition Art & Tourism

15 3. INGRIDIENTS FOR MAKING SAUCE Generally, there are 3 (three) basic components of sauce: a. Liquid  White stock  White stock;  Tomato  Butter  Oil b. Emulator As emulator, we use Roux Art & Tourism

16 There are three ways of processing roux, they are: 1.White roux 2.Blond roux. 3.Brown roux Art and Tourism 3. Ingredients for making sauce Seasonings which can be added to sauce are: salt, pepper, lemon juice, peterselli, mint dill, yellow onion, garlic, wine, mustard, MSG and vinegar. 4. Seasoning

17 5. Leading Sauce There are six liquids to make sauce: milk, white stock, brown stock, pure tomato, butter and oil. Picture Based on the liquid used, we can classify sauce in continental food: a.Bechamel sauce It is made from liquid milk using emulator white roux. Art & Tourism

18 b. Veloute (chicken veloute, fish veloute, veal veloute) It is made from white stock added by white and yellow emulator roux c. Brown sauce atau espagnole It is made from brown stock added by brown emulator roux. d. Tomato sauce It is made from tomato liquid added by stock and emulator roux. e. Holandaise sauce dan bernaise sauce It is made from liquid butter added by yolk emulator Art & Tourism 5. Leading Sauce

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20 f. Mayonaise sauce It is made from liquid oil with yolk emulator. Meanwhile vinaigratte is sauce from liquid oil without emulator Art & Tourism LiquidThickening AgentLeading SauceLiquid MilkWhiterouxBechamel SauceMilk White Stock (veal, chicken, fish) White or blond roux veloute (veal, chicken, fish) White Stock (veal, chicken, fish) Brown Stock Brown roux Brown Sauce or Espagnole Brown Stock Tomato plus stock (optional roux)Tomato Sauce Tomato plus stock Butter Egg yolkHollandaise Butter OilEgg yolkMayonaiseOil 5. Leading Sauce Table 8.4 Leading Sauce

21 Based on the process f making, the sauces can be classified into: Sauces which are made by basic process of roux -White roux + Milk =  Bechamel sauce -Blond Roux + White stock =  Veloute Sauce -Brown Roux + Estoufade =  Espagnole -Espagnole + Estoufade =  Demiglace -Roux + Stock + Tomato Puree =  Tomato Sauce Sauces which are made by emulation process - Yolk + Butter =  Hollandaise Sauce – -Yolk + Oil =  Mayonaise Sauce Art & Tourism

22 6. Special Sauce a.Pan gravy sauce is sauce made from juice or dripping from meat or poultry. b.Coulis is sauce made from pure vegetables or shellfish c.Sweet sauce is sauce to fill the content of other food like pudding for vanilla sauce or chocolate sauce or rhum sauce. Art & Tourism

23 7. Small Sauces  Sauces are classified into leading sauces and small sauces.  The difference is from the main ingredients, leading sauce added by emulator, and leading sauce added by seasoning. Art & Tourism

24 Liquid + thickening agent = Leading Sauce Leading Sauce + additional flavorings = Small Sauce Besides those sauces, there is also Fond Lie Sauce, which means thickened stock. It is made from: Brown Stock + Cornstarch = Fond Lie Art & Tourism 7. Small Sauces

25 8. The Standard of Sauce Quality Art & Tourism SAUCE QUALITY BodyAromaAppearance

26 9.Procedures of Making Different Kinds of Sauce a. Bechamel sauces To make this sauce, there are two ways: first by traditional way which is from non-fat veal, aromated plant, boiled spices with bechamel sauce for about 1 hour The second way is more practical which is by mixing white stock from veal with bechamel sauce, and then it is reduced or by plain bechamel (mixture of sauce and roux), which the aroma has been improved with onion and spices sauces Art & Tourism

27 No.IngredientMeasurement 1. Roux and butter 1,25 pound / 600 g 1.2. Flour 1,73 pound / 800 g 1.3. Milk10 quart / 10 l 1.4. Nutmeg1 buah 1.5. Bay leaf1 buah 1.6.Onion and cengkih1 tbsp / 15 g Tabel 8.10 Bechamel Sauces

28 Art & Tourism

29 Small Sauce: Cream Sauce = Bechamel + heavy cream Mornay Sauce = Bechamel + Gruyere cheese + Pemesan Cheddar Cheese Sauce = Becahamel + Cheddar Cheese Mustard Sauce = Bechamel + Mustard Soubice Sauce = Bechamel + Onion Nantua Sauce = Bechamel + Shrimp butter, heavy cream a. Bechamel sauces

30 b. Veloute Veloute sauce is made by variating main ingredient or stock Art & Tourism NOINGREDIENTMEASUREMEN T 1.Roux or cleared butter8 oz / 225 g 2.Flour8 oz / 225 g 3.White stock5 qt / 5 ltr 9.The Procedure of Making Sauces Table8.11 Veloute Sauce

31 Art & Tourism

32 Small Sauce : Poulette Sauce= Veloute + mushroom Aurora Sauce= Veloute + Tomato Puree Hungarian Sauce = Veloute + Onion + paprika WhitWine Ivory or Albufera Sauce = Veloute + meat glace Curry Sauce Veloute + mirepoix + Curry + Pow­der + Garlic + Thyme + bay leaf +Parsley Mushroom = Mushroom + lemon Juice Bercy Sauce = Veloute + Shallot + White Wine Herb Sauce = White Wine + Parsley + Chives +Taragon Normandy Sauce = Fish Veloute + mushroom Horseradish Sauce = Veloute + dried Horseradish +Heavy cream + mustard + Vinegar Art & Tourism 9.Prosedures of Making Sauces

33 c. Brown sauce or Espagnole Art & Tourism No. Ingredient MeasurementNote 1 Mire poix:1 lb / 500 g Cut like dice/ cube Yellow onion 8 oz / 250 g Carrot8 oz / 250 g Butter Celery8 oz / 250 g Flour8 oz / 250 g Puree tomato8 oz / 250 g Brown stock 6 qt / 6 liter It is a more complete sauce if we compare it to bechamel sauce or veluote, because in this sauce, we can get aroma extract through mirepoix Table 8.12 Brown Sauce (Espagnole)

34 Small Sauce: Bordelaise Sauce= Demiglace + Red Wine + Shallot + Pepercorn + thyme + bay lef Marchand de Vin Sauce = Demiglace + Red Wine + Shallot Robert Sauce= Demiglace + Onion + White Wine Charcutiere Sauce= Robert Sauce + Pickle Chaseur Sauce = Demiglace + Mushroom + Shal­lot + White Wine Diable Sauce = Demiglace + White wine + Shallot + Cayene Madeira Sauce = Demiglace + Madeira Wine Perigueux = Demiglace + Madeira Wine +Truffle Mushroom = Demiglace + Mushroom + Shal­lot Bercy = White Wine + Shallot Piquante = demiglace + Sallot + Wine Vin­egar Lyonnaise = Demiglace + Onion + White Wine Vinegar Art & Tourism c. Brown sauce or Espagnole

35 Small Sauces: Portuguese Sauce = Tomato Sauce + Garlic Spanish sauce = Tomato Sauce + Onion + green Pepper + Garlic Creole Sauce= Tomato Sauce + Onion + Celery + Green Pepper + Garlic + bay leaf + thyme + Lemon. Saus holandaise Art & Tourism d. Making Red Sauce (Tomato Sauce)

36 Art & Tourism

37 e. Holandaise Sauce Art & Tourism NOINGREDIENTSMEASUREMENT 1.Chopped Onion50 gram 2.Vinegar½ dcl 3.Pepper10- 15 pieces 4.Iced Water½ dl 5.Yolk6 pieces 6.Melted Butter600 gram 7.Salt1 gram 8.Cayenne pepper½ pieces Tabel 8.15 Holandaise Sauce

38 Small Sauce Maltaise Sauce= Holandaise + Orange Juice Mousseline Sauce = Holandaise + Heavy Cream Bearnaise Sauce = Holandaise + tarragon + Chervil Foyot Sauce= Bernaise + Meat glace Choron Sauce= Bernaise + Tomato Paste Art & Tourism e. Holandaise Sauce

39 f. Mayonaisse Mayonaisse is made from oil, acid, spices and egg. The mixture of oil and vinegar can be made stable by adding that mixture. The role of egg here is as stabilisator. Art & Tourism

40 9. Special Sauces A.Pan Gravy B.Coulis Art & Tourism

41 C. Sweet sauce / caramel sauce Art & Tourism

42 10. Keeping Sauce a. Leading sauce with roux is kept by: –Au’bain marie. –Covered by bread paper with butter –If it is too thick, we can add milk/ stock, but if it is too liquid, we can add emulator b. Holandaise is kept by: –In refrigerator for temporary time, but if it will be served, do aubain marie. –In freezer for permanent time. c. Mayonaisse sauce: –In refrigerator and re-neutralized based on the room temperature –If is too thick, we can add vinegar or lemon Art & Tourism

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