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We All Need Trees A lesson on product origin 5.4.P.G.1 Demonstrate an emergent awareness for conservation, recycling, and respect for the environment.

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Presentation on theme: "We All Need Trees A lesson on product origin 5.4.P.G.1 Demonstrate an emergent awareness for conservation, recycling, and respect for the environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 We All Need Trees A lesson on product origin 5.4.P.G.1 Demonstrate an emergent awareness for conservation, recycling, and respect for the environment. 5.4.2.G.4 Identify the natural resources used in the process of making various manufactured products.

2 Where would we be without wood?

3 Product Origins Cellulose Fruits, leaves, & Seeds Bark Wood & saps

4 What is cellulose? cell wall plant cell cellulose macrofibril mic rofibril

5 Stuff of Cellulose paper rayon insulation cellophane shampoo and other products that need to be thickened lipstick sponge (non-poriferan)

6 Product Origins Cellulose Wood & saps Fruits, leaves, & Seeds Bark

7 What is wood? sapwood (xylem) heartwood outer bark inner bark (phloem) pith (1 st year growth)

8 Tree Fluids Sap About 97-99% water, 1-3% sugar and dissolved nutrients Produced in the leaves in vascular plants, utilized by living cells in the cambium and leaves

9 Tree Fluids Latex White, milky substance thought to be a defense against bacteria, fungi, and herbivorous organisms Found in trees native to the tropics: Hevea brasiliensis (rubber tree), Castilla elastica (Panama rubbertree) *Manilkara zapota (sapodilla tree) * produces chicle

10 Resins Thought to be a defense against herbivorous organisms Found in several families: Pinaceae (pines), Leguminosae (legumes, plants w/pods), Anacardiaceae (sumacs & cashew) Amber is an fossil resin found Frankincense and myrrh well-known examples of gum resins Tree Fluids

11 Edible Examples

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