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Doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 1 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission.

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 1 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission."— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 1 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Common Platform Framework Proposal] Date Submitted: [30 April 2009] Source: [Benjamin A. Rolfe] Company [Blind Crek Associates] Address [PO Box 798 Los Gatos, CA 95031] Voice:[], FAX: [], E-Mail:[ben @ ] Re: [15.4g SUN PHY Proposals] Abstract:[Provides a framework fore merging proposals; Describes a set of PHY features and characteristics derived from the multiple proposals that fit into the general class of “Narrow Band Frequency Hopping” proposals. ] Purpose:[Facilitate a collaborative process for converging to a baseline in TG4g] Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

2 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 2 Common Platform Framework for combining the elements of TG4g PHY proposals Frequency Hopping Smart Utility Networks (SUN)

3 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 3 Purpose and Scope Purpose: –Provide a frame work for combining the elements of TG4g PHY proposals in a logical way; –Support a collaborative process. –Provide for identifying the most important features of proposals to combine into a common approach that is sufficiently flexible to meet the diverse needs encountered in SUN deployment, while remaining simple enough for low cost implementation. –Satisfy the goal of arriving at a common set of features that satisfy the essential needs identified by each participant Scope (so far): narrow band FH

4 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 4 References The following were primary sources: Frequency Hopping: 1.15-09-0120-02-004g-coronis-ft-preliminary-proposal.ppt 2.15-09-0124-00-004g-multi-rate-phy-proposal.ppt 3.15-09-0127-02-004g-smart-grid-communications-preliminary- proposal.ppt 4.15-09-0118-03-004g-narrow-band-phy-preliminary-proposal.ppt 5.15-09-0135-01-004g-preliminary-proposal-for-a-multi-regional-sub- ghz-phy-for-802-15-4g.ppt

5 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 5 This is the scope of this presentation

6 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 6 Narrow Band, Frequency Hopping channel bandwidth of ≤ 500 kHz “Slow hopping”: –Complete PPDU is transmitted on one channel before hopping –Control at MAC (per PSDU) –Moderate data rate (MDR) “fast hopping”: – PSDU is split across multiple channels –Control at PHY (< per PSDU) –Low data rate –Very low energy consumptions (VLE)

7 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 7 12345678 PHY ParameterNB- PHY WavenisDynamic DSSS Multi- Rate Multi- Region Flex- DSS SGCPO-opt Operating bandMult.< 1GHz, 2.4GHz 915MHz, 868MHz, 316- 433MHz 902MHz and 2.4GHz 860MHz, 920MHz 2.4GHz 902-928 MHz 863-870 MHz same as 15.4 DSSS 902- 928 others possibl e Multiple < 1GHz, 2.4GHz Channel BW< 250 kHz 50 kHz; TBD wider channels 0.5MHz, 2MHz, 5MHz Multiple defined < 5MHz and < 2MHz 100kHz, 200kHz, 300kHz Channel spacing300 kHz 50kHz 300kHz Multiple defined Multiple defined 5MHz (2.4) 2MHz (902) 400 kHz 100kHz MAC control for BW>100 ModulationM/FSKGFSKD-BPSKGMSK2 & 4- GFSK O- QPSK FSKOFDM-BPSK, OFDM-QPSK, OFDM-16QAM, OFDM-64QAM FECNoneBCH (31,21) rate 1/3 Encode rate 1/2 block code (4,n) (128,120,4) SECDED/B CH Noneyes Cross Reference of Proposals

8 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 8 12345678 Frequency Hopping per PPDU (MAC) 2-octet (PHY) MAC per PPDU (MAC) yes PHY frame structure: MAX payload 2047> 1500 20471500> 15002047 SHRVariable pre (dynamic) + 16-bit SFD Variable pre (dynamic) + SFD Preamble + SFD Variable pre +16 bit SFD TBD CRCCRC-32 PCBCRC-16CRC-32 Data Whitening 8-bit LFSR variable seed Yes (TBD) 8-bitYesUpper Layer no Data rate(s)100 kbps20 to 100 kbps Variable 50/100/200/ 400 kbps up to 1Mbps 9.6kbps – 300kbps 33kbps to 1Mbps Symbol / chip rate 100 spsVariable2mcps; 1mcps; < 0.5 Variabl e / 2Mcps Variable Transmit Power up to 1 W10mW- 0.5W up to 1 W Up to 1W[PSD]up to 0.25W up to 1 W

9 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 9 12345678 Transmit Powerup to 1 W 10mW- 0.5W up to 1 W Up to 1W[PSD]up to 0.25W up to 1 W PSDNA8dm/2 khz NA TX Power ControlYesDynamic Opt.Yes Chan availability (interference detection) MAC, Higher Layer Higher layer MACMAC and/or Higher layer Link QualityRSSI, NHL RSSI RSSI, NHL RSSI, MAC (ACK success rate) Reliability enhancing features/methods Hopping, CRC-32 interleavi ng + FEC Encode+interl eave Block coding Hopping, FEC HoppingFrequency Hopping, CRC- FEC, equalization, redundancy, cyclic prefix, pilot tones Co-existence features Hopping, LDC, TPC Random user code delay, TPC Hopping 15.4HoppingHopping, LDC SoP support features channel diversity Gold code diversity Channel diversity Channel Plan 15.4Split band into sub (2) Chan diversity, CRC-32 seed, channel skip’g /band splitting, hopping pattern seed

10 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 10 Common Features Shared by Multiple Proposals Narrow band channels –From 50kHz to 500kHz –Lots of channels in some bands –At least one channel in some tiny bands FSK Modulation –MSK –GFSK (GMSK) –1 and 2 bits per symbol FEC: { None, BCH, Block Parity, BBC} Simple PHY frame –Several very similar –Support for 2047 octet payload (11 bit length field) –Recognize need for 32-bit CRC with longer frames Data Whitening Transmit Power Control

11 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 11 General Requirements

12 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 12 Operating Frequencies BandPHY Mode Section MHZMDR-FHVLE-FH 316433  470510  China (unverified) 863870  902928  US 950956  Japan (unverified) 24002483 

13 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 13 PPDU Format Configurable preamble length Configurable preamble pattern Support for multiple frame formats –Unique SFD as frame differentiator Frame payload length 11-bit field CRC-32 (added in MAC) Optional frame control fields

14 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 14 PPDU Format Octets: variable22variable Bits: variable164111 PreambleSFDFCTRLEXTEXT Frame Length PSDU Includes CRC-32 or CRC-16 SHRPHRPHY Payload Octets: variable212variable Bits: variable1684111 PreambleSFDScrambler Seed FCTRLEXTEXT Frame Length PSDU Includes CRC-32 or CRC-16 SHRPHRPHY Payload Frame with reduced PHR Full frame w/scrambler seed

15 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 15 PPDU: Scrambler Seed Field Octets: variable212variable Bits: variable1684111 PreambleSFDScrambler Seed FCTRLEXTEXT Frame Length PSDU Includes CRC-32 or CRC-16 SHRPHRPHY Payload SFD identifies form of the PHY frame PHR FormSFD Value Full0xF3A0 CompressedTBD Etc…

16 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 16 PPDU: Scrambler Seed Field Octets: variable212variable Bits: variable1684111 PreambleSFDScrambler Seed FCTRLEXTEXT Frame Length PSDU Includes CRC-32 or CRC-16 SHRPHRPHY Payload Enables varying the scrambler seed on a per frame basis for enhanced robustness

17 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 17 PPDU: Flexible Frame Control Field Octets: variable212variable Bits: variable1684111 PreambleSFDScrambler Seed FCTRLEXTEXT Frame Length PSDU Includes CRC-32 or CRC-16 SHRPHRPHY Payload FCTRL Bits:22 FEC :Data Rate : 00bNo FEC00bPayload at default data rate 01bBCH01bPayload at optional rate A 10bBlock Parity10bPayload at optional rate B 11bBBC11bPayload at optional rate C Enables over the air detection of different payload data rates and FEC used

18 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 18 PPDU: PHY Header Extension Field Octets: variable212variable Bits: variable1684111 PreambleSFDScrambler Seed FCTRLEXTEXT Frame Length PSDU Includes CRC-32 or CRC-16 SHRPHRPHY Payload PHY Header Extension: For future addition of fields to the PHR with backwards compatibiity

19 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 19 PPDU: Payload Length Field Octets: variable212variable Bits: variable1684111 PreambleSFDScrambler Seed FCTRLEXTEXT Frame Length PSDU Includes CRC-32 or CRC-16 SHRPHRPHY Payload 11-bits Length field, number of octets in PHY payload. Max Payload size is 2047 octets. Note: Max size of PSDU is reduced by code rate when FEC used.

20 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 20 Frame Check Sequence (CRC-32) Longer PHY frame requires stronger CRC IEEE Standard CRC-32 –802.3, 802.11, 802.15.3, etc.

21 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 21 Moderate Data Rate (MDR) Frequency Hopping PHY (MDR-FH)

22 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 22 Summary Multiple bands, multiple channel spacing Moderate data rates –100, 200, 400 kbps MSK and GFSK (GMSK) modulations –Selectable Gaussian filter –2- and 4- MSK/GFSK Selectable FEC 8 Bit data scrambler Variable length and pattern pre-amble –Configured by MAC (PHY PIB attributes)

23 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 23 Data Rates Chan Spacing kHzChan BW kHzModulationkbpsNote 3002502-MSK, 2-GFSK100 3002504-GFSK200 250TBD2-GFSK50, 100863-870MHz band 250TBD4-GFSK200863-870MHz band 400TBD2-FSK, TBD200 6005002-MSK, 2-GFSK2002.4GHz 6005004-MSK, 4-GFSK4002.4GHz 500 2-GFSK200868-870MHz band 500 4-GFSK400868-870MHz band Notes Channel spacing is the distance between center frequencies; Channel bandwidth is the 20dB occupied BW. The kbps is the over the air bit rate. If FEC is used, the effective data rate is reduced by the code rate.

24 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 24 Data Transfer PHY Signal Flow

25 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 25 PPDU Encoding Process

26 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 26 Modulation and Coding minimal FSK (MSK) –Frequency offset (f dev ) = 25 kHz ± 3 kHz –1 = + f dev 0 = -f dev –Selectable Gaussian filter (GFSK/GMSK) –1 and 2 bits per symbol

27 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 27 Modulation and Coding Error correcting coding (FEC) –Block Parity (15-09-0135) –BCH (15-09-0120) –Binary Block Coding (15-09-0124)

28 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 28 Data Whitening 8-bit LFSR scrambler (15-09-0118) –taps at bits [8,4,3,2] –Can define alternate tap sets –Varying seed has many advantages MAC control of seed most flexible –Should ensure changes often, Different seed on retry Use of channel # as seed has advantages

29 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 29 Transmit Power Control Provide 1dBm steps May need range to exceed 1W –Possible changes in regulations may allow more power (4W proposed in some places) Implementations vary greatly –Different # steps –value of steps not always linear Need more flexible TPC mechanism than 15.4-2006

30 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 30 Very Low Energy Frequency Hopping PHY (VLE-FH)

31 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 31 Summary Fast frequency hopping –Hop every 2 octets of PPDU 50 kHz channel spacing Low data rate nominal 20kbps BCH(31,21) coding (1/3 redundancy) Data interleaving + LSFR data scrambling Support for Ultra-low power management Dynamic Transmit Power Control

32 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 32 Channel Spacing and Data Rate 20 kbps nominal data rate

33 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 33 PPDU 2 SHR –Short wakeup (40 ms) –Long wake-up (1s) –Preamble + 64 bit SFD MAX Payload 2047 –Per blocks of 512 octets (320 payload)

34 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 34 Modulation and Coding GFSK –BT0.5 –h1

35 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 35 Modulation and Coding Error correcting coding (FEC) –BCH (31,21) [15-09-0120] Data whitening Interleaving

36 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 36 Transmit Power Control Controlled by MAC 27dBm/+30dBm control range

37 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 37 Other

38 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 38 TBD

39 doc.: IEEE 802.15- Submission 01 May 2009 B. Rolfe, et al. BCASlide 39 The End Thanks for Listening

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