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Ultrafast Excited State Raman Spectroscopy

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1 Ultrafast Excited State Raman Spectroscopy
Griffin Canning Spring 2016

2 What is it? Provides vibronic information on a chemical system
Can eliminate ground state signal Allows researchers to probe internal conversions and intersystem crossings Based on transient absorption experiments Liebel, et. al., PRL, 112, , 2014

3 Introduction and motivation
TIPS-Pentacene undergoes singlet fission Models predict both a direct mechanism via ISC and a mediated mechanism via charge transfer states Ultrafast Raman can track vibrational coherence during the process Fig 1, TIPS-pentacene and its absorption spectrum in thin film Fig. 2, electronic state ordering Musser, et. al., Nat. Phys., 11, , 2015

4 Singlet Fission Smith et al., Chem. Rev. 2010

5 Experimental Setup Amplifier Probe pulse Sapphire SHG Δx Detector
Sum freq. harm NOPA G Pulse compression Sample Pump pulse Probe pulse Dump pulse Detector Δt = 300 fs Δx

6 Two-pulse experiment Step 1: pump off/on
Transmittance of white-light probe pulse measured as a function of λ Pump on Pump pulse populates excited electronic states After ∆t, white-light probe interacts with ground and excited states. Transmittance of probe is measured as a function of λ, t Musser, et. al., Nat. Phys., 11, , 2015

7 Two-pulse experiment Step 2: differential transmittance
Pump: 10 fs (broadband) Probe : 300 fs (white-light broadband) ∆t steps of fs, integration time 100 fs ∆T = T2 – T1 ∆T/T is the relative differential transmittance Fig. 3, showing contour maps

8 Two-pulse experiment Step 3: electronic slow kinetics fitting
In figure 4a, zoomed-in excerpt of figure 3a In figure 4b, integrated kinetics for T1  T2 ( nm) Fig. 4

9 Two-pulse experiment Step 4: residuals
In figure 5a, integrated kinetics for T1 T3 ( nm), plus a subtraction of a fitting function In figure 5b, the fitting and subtraction is done over all the wavelengths Fig. 5

10 Two-pulse experiment Step 5: Fast Fourier Transform
Fig. 6a Fig. 6b

11 Three-pulse experiment Steps 1, 2: dump off/on
Dump on/Dump off experiment: Pump: 10 fs Dump: 650 fs, tuned to 860 nm (T1  T2 ) Probe: 300 fs Pump-Dump delay: 300 fs fixed Fig. 6 Fig. 7

12 Three-pulse experiment Steps 2,3: residuals
In figure 8a, Integrated kinetics for T1 T2 ( nm) for Dump off minus Dump on In figure 8b, applying same process as in figure 8a for all the wavelengths and subtracting 2 pulse from 3 pulse Fig. 8

13 Three-pulse experiment: Step 5: Fast Fourier Transform
|FFT|2 Fig. 9b Fig. 9a

14 Two-pulse and three-pulse experiment comparison
FFT on GSB region, fig.8.a Reproduces spontaneous Raman FFT on T1 T3 region, fig.8.a Contribution from excited state FFT on T1 T3 region, fig.8.c GS modes are gone, new modes appear Fig. 10a Fig. 10b

15 Advantages, disadvantages, limitations
Advantages Provides high-quality, background-free Raman spectra of electronic excited states and their dynamics Allows for the experimental isolation of the vibrational spectra of the excited state of interest Extremely high signal-to-noise ratio compared with traditional Raman Disadvantages The instrumentation needed is expensive and the experiments demand high accuracy The limitation comes from the precision on the time domain: - the width of the pulses - the limited period of time of the measurement


17 Complementary information

18 Raman spectroscopy The molecules need to exhibit polarizability for the incident light to undergo Raman scattering Raman signal has a very small cross section (~10-30 cm2/sr): The excitation light can overwhelm the Raman signal Any luminiscence can overwhelm the Raman signal (CS ~10-20 cm2/sr)

19 Some concepts of photochemistry
IC  internal conversion ISC  intersystem crossing

20 Conclusions by Musser et al.
Singlet exciton delocalized before singlet fission “Direct model” and “Mediated mode” possible, “Coherent model” ruled out Conical intersection between delocalized singlet and TT assisted by vibronic coupling Similarities between TIPS-pentacene (singlet fission) and DPO (internal conversion) Fig. 10

21 History Although ultrafast spectroscopy is not a new technique, the increase in the precision and accuracy of the instrumentation is allowing the advent of novel applications like the Ultrafast Vibronic Spectroscopy Introduced in 2013 by Matz Liebel and Philipp Kukura(1) So far, it has been applied to study internal conversion in β-carotene(3), singlet fission in TIPS-pentacene(4), internal conversion in DPO(4)

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