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Published byEarl Gray Modified over 8 years ago
1Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan preferred supplier of quality statistics Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Finance Pali Lehohla, Statistician-General 17-05-2005
2Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Contents Feedback on Committee's recommendations of October 2004 Statistics informing national priorities Strategic direction Key priorities Funding Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Finance Pali Lehohla, Statistician-General
3Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Feedback to Portfolio Committee on recommendations following presentation of the Annual Report (2003/04) Qualified Audit Report Relations with Statistics Council Measurable Objectives Census Replacement Survey
4Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Qualified audit The committee raised concern about the qualified audit and the urgent need to improve financial management and controls 1.Stats SA appeared before SCOPA on 16 March 2005 and answered many of the detailed questions 2.Over the past year Stats SA has invested in an asset management system, has started implementation of a risk management system, and supply chain management 3.A Business Process Improvement project has been initiated to identify weaknesses in internal controls and ensure compliance in administrative processes 4.A project has been established to address specific problems in recruitment, procurement, training and policies
5Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Statistics Council The committee raised concern about the relationship between the Statistics Council and Stats SA 1.At a meeting on 19 October 2004, Stats SA and Council reviewed how relationships could be improved. 2.Community Survey (census replacement survey) was discussed and planning and preparations are continuing. Several sub-committees continue to function 3.A former head of the Australian Bureau of Statistics reviewed the role of Council, to improve its functionality in the light of the Statistics Act. The Act was highly regarded by the reviewer 4.A new Council was appointed by Cabinet in April. The new Council has not yet had an opportunity to meet
6Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Measurable objectives The committee raised concern about the usefulness of the measurable objectives 1.At the meeting with Council in October, Council and Stats SA agreed on seven priorities 2.Stats SA has developed a range of strategic level performance indicators using the balanced scorecard as a framework 3.The strategic plan includes output and improvement targets and milestones per division for a three year period (previously one year) 4.Stats SA will continue to work on its measurable objectives, especially to measure the outcomes of the department’s efforts
7Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Measuring strategic performance Have formulated indicators for each strategic objective Strategic Objective Key Performance Indicator Current performance TargetKey projects Y1Y2Y3 Increase accessibility and usage of statistics Increase in & number of website visits per month 25% from Sept 04 85 000 10% Dissemination strategy Training of users Increase in usage 98 500 subs and 960 000 downloads 5% Example
8Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Census Replacement Survey The committee raised concern about the lack of clarity on the Census replacement survey 1.Now known as the Community Survey, the census replacement survey will provide information on living conditions at municipal level 2.Council has provided useful advice on the sample size and design 3.Discussions with Council will continue once the new Council has met 4.The sample size will be 17 000 enumerator areas. 5.Results will be available in November 2007
9Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Building statistical capacity The committee raised concern about the slow progress in developing statistical capacity 1.Training in official statistics is a long-term process 2.Initiatives to date include Staff training in East Africa since 2001 Masters in data mining at Wits University Internship programme (15 this year) increasing to 60 over time Numerous in-house courses 3.Goal is to have a Statistical Training Institute 4.Preliminary activities will include research on similar institutes in other countries, liaison with local universities, and development of course material
10Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan strategic plan 2005/06 – 2009/10 preferred supplier of quality statistics
11Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Priority areaRelevant statistics National priorities Impact Africa and the world Contribution to statistical development Grow the Economy Create jobs Deliver services Eradicate poverty Improve health GDP and set of economic surveys, CPI, PPI etc LFS and QES GHS, Census, Community survey, Municipal Census GHS, Census, Community survey Mortality statistics
12Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Service delivery During 2004/5, Stats SA released 285different statistical publications covering 53 series Errors identified were rapidly and transparently addressed in line with international standards Stats SA has put new systems and processes in place to address quality of its statistics Presentation will focus on context of quality improvements and our priorities in this regard for the next year
Financial statistics National Government Accounts statistics Provincial Government Accounts statistics Local Government Accounts statistics Non-financial Local Government statistics Private sector statistics Employment Statistics Quarterly employment survey Labour force survey Price Statistics Consumer price index (CPI) Rural consumer price index Production price index (PPI) Vital Statistics Birth, death, health, marriage & divorce statistics Tourism statistics Migration statistics Population Statistics Population Census Community Survey Thematic reports on demographic processes, fertility, health, ageing and mortality Population projections and estimates Geographic Frame Industry and Trade Statistics Primary sector statistics Agriculture statistics Secondary sector statistics Tertiary sector statistics Tourism statistics Business services statistics Business Frame Social Statistics General household survey Second economy information Master sample User paid surveys National Accounts Methodology and Standards System of Statistics Quarterly and annual gross domestic product estimates Benchmarking gross domestic product estimates Annual supply & use tables Satellite accounts Economic growth Social development
14Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan 95/9600/0105/0610/11 Fragmented statistics Transformation Stabilise & standardise Coherent national statistics Evolution of statistics in Stats SA 1 black manager No social statistics Poor quality Economic statistics First inclusive Census Set of social and employment stats Start business register improvement Second census based on geographic frame 6 (of 19) black SMS members Stabilised social stats Stabilised economic stats Community survey 48 (of 94) black SMS members Improved living conditions information Expanded coverage of economy Census 2011 82 (of 112) black SMS members
15Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan strategic direction preferred supplier of quality statistics
16Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Stats SA’s senior management has reviewed and sharpened the strategy Key external strategic issues facing Stats SA are: Need to respond to Programme of Action Convergence of international reporting mechanisms Need to promote greater use of statistics Public perceptions of Stats SA Key internal strategic issues facing Stats SA are: Ensuring quality in statistical production Developing statistical infrastructure Improving governance Capacity in statistical work areas Strategic review
17Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Vision and Mission Vision The preferred supplier of quality statistics Mission Provide a relevant and accurate body of statistics to inform users on the dynamics in the economy and society through the application of internationally acclaimed practices
18Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Preferred supplier of quality statistics Vision Themes Strategic Objectives Information to meet user needs Advocacy and partnerships Building Human capacity Good governance Quality of Products & services Needs of users Align to international frameworks Align to Govt priorities Corporate image Develop the NSS Promote integration amongst producers of statistics Integrate registers across government Quality mgt Improve accuracy, timeliness & coherence International acclaimed methods Coverage of frames Data governance Optimise technology Compliance Leadership & mgt BEE Mgt info Mgt risks Plan & execute in budget Admin processes & systems Employer of choice Corporate culture and environment Learning organisation Equity in the work place Stats SA’s strategy Increase accessibility and usage
19Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan priorities preferred supplier of quality statistics
20Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Priority matrix Key prioritiesLong-term initiatives Focal areasMaintain & Improve Priorities Degree of importance Short-term Long-term High Community survey CPI direct price collections Income and Expenditure Survey Better coverage of entire economy Data management and information delivery (DMID) Improvements to governance Developing statistical professionals Census 2011 Geo-referenced dwelling frame Implementing National Statistics System Research and development Technology for data collection and processing Re-vamping vital statistics Sampling frames National accounts Financial statistics Dissemination of products PPI reweighting Improving accuracy of key economic series Re-engineering labour statistics Enhance statistical infrastructure
21Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Community Survey Background:Previously Census was run every 5 years, provided detailed and comprehensive information but stretched Stats SA to the limit. Next census in 2011 with a survey to provide municipal information in 2007 Aim:To provide information on the living conditions of the population at municipal level and for the equitable share Planning at an advanced stage Pilot in February 2006 Survey in February 2007 Results in November 2007 Progress and plans: Budget:2005/06 – R200m; 2006/07 – R374m; 2008/09 – R166m Total: R740m
22Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan CPI direct price collections Background:April 2003 - Revision of CPI figure. This led to a substantive review of methodology Aim:To ensure a reliable inflation index by collecting prices directly from retail outlets 11 months of direct collection in Mpumalanga 4 months of direct collection in Gauteng 1 month of direct collection in Western Cape Training collectors in Eastern Cape Next province is North West On track for complete roll out by June 2006 Progress and plans: Budget:2005/06 – R18m; 2006/07 – R27m; 2008/09 – R36,5m Total: R81,5m
23Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Income and Expenditure Survey Background:Previous IES had some methodological weakness Aim:To re-weight the CPI basket of goods and services by using diary method of collection Introduced new diary method needing multiple repeat visits to households 3 pilots conducted Difficulties experienced in accessing high-wall areas Pilot has shown costs will be higher than expected To be conducted between September 2005 and August 2006 Progress and plans: Budget:2005/06 – R35,5m; 2006/07 – R11m; 2008/09 – R10m Total: R56,5m
24Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Coverage of the economy Background:Current economic surveys miss second economy and certain sectors of formal economy Aim:To ensure better coverage of the economy in GDP and employment statistics to inform economic planning Survey of Employers and Self Employed (SESE) in 2005 and every three years to understand the second economy better Surveys on tourism and services over the MTEF period Progress and plans: Budget:2005/06 –R7m; 2006/07 – R0; 2008/09 – R32m Total: R39m
25Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Data management and information delivery Background:Statistical information is currently stored in different databases without common standards Aim:To establish a data-warehouse for storage and dissemination of statistics Progress and plans: Five subprojects: Meta data repository Classification and Related Standards (CARS) system Data repository Standards development Data governance policies Long term link to other government data Budget:2005/06 – R14m; 2006/07 – R10m; 2008/09 – R9m Total: R33m
26Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Improvements to governance Background:Renewed focus on governance Aim:To ensure full compliance with legislation that enables implementation of the Statistics Act Business process improvement project to streamline support processes and ensure compliance Appointment of legal advisor to implement the Statistics Act Asset management system rolled out Risk management strategy being implemented Storage area network and disaster recovery Progress and plans: Budget:2005/06 – R2,5m; 2006/07 – R3m; 2008/09 – R3,5m Total: R9m
27Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Developing statistical professionals Background:Difficulty in recruiting suitable staff Aim:To ensure that Stats SA has a comprehensive programme of developing the skills and capacity it requires Staff training in East Africa since 2001 – over 40 to date Masters in data mining at Wits Internship programme (15 this year) increasing to 60 Numerous in-house courses Developing a career path system Medium term goal is to have a Statistical Training Institute Progress and plans: Budget: 2005/06 –R11m; 2006/07 – R12m; 2008/09 – R14,5m Total: R37,5m
28Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan MTEF budget R ‘000Prog 1Prog 2Prog 3Prog 4Prog 5Total 2005/06145 964126 370267 95138 325112 647691 257 2006/07151 223116 113439 73956 384117 308880 767 2007/08162 661153 022262 88171 539129 263779 366
29Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Stats SA’s role in statistical development Staff member was runner-up in international young statistician’s competition Leading the SADC Millennium Census project Conference of Commonwealth Statisticians – 2005 International Statistics Institute – 2009 Re-election to UN Statistics Commission Leader of migration group of UN expert meeting on Population Censuses Member of Advisory Board on Statistics in Africa Member of Board of Health Metrics Network
30Preferred supplier of quality statisticsStrategic plan Thank You preferred supplier of quality statistics
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