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CSE Mapping and Data collation in Merton Paul Angeli Asst Director CSC&YI and Lee Hopkins CSE Lead for London Borough of Merton.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE Mapping and Data collation in Merton Paul Angeli Asst Director CSC&YI and Lee Hopkins CSE Lead for London Borough of Merton."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE Mapping and Data collation in Merton Paul Angeli Asst Director CSC&YI and Lee Hopkins CSE Lead for London Borough of Merton

2 CSE Mapping and Data collation in Merton In Merton we have been developing our dataset and analysis to support the local profiling of Child Sexual Exploitation. The first and foremost function has been to support the identification and recovery of victims who range in distribution across the borough, most prevalently in the more deprived wards but also evident in the more affluent wards as well.

3 CSE Mapping and Data collation in Merton The profile of victims known to and tracked by Merton’s MASE panel shows significant trends in aspects such as age, ethnicity and gender. This data is collated through a process of version control on a monthly basis – the figures shown being the most recent available for May 2015.

4 CSE Mapping and Data collation in Merton The calibration of CSE risk, confirmed through MASE partner collaboration and Information Sharing, shows the need for a focus on prevention and awareness raising to help young people to recognise potential CSE and to seek help accordingly. The use of the CSE screening and risk assessment tool is key to helping multi-agency staff evidence their specific concerns. The figures for May 2015 show the trend in identification of lower numbers at high risk of CSE. In Merton through the recent recruitment of a Data Analyst we are working hard to develop our understanding and use of the wide range of information held in a variety of sources. The next slide describes the complexity of source and the need for effective correlation.

5 Key: CME CME - Children Missing Education MASE MASE - Multi Agency Sexual Exploitation MPS MPS – Metropolitan Police ServiceMERTON Education/School Social Worker 587 Age/DOB Ethnicity Attendance Copy of Referral in folder CareFirst ID/ J-number Full Name/ P.O.I Gender Date of Absence / Referral Social Worker Date to be reviewed Placed on ICE When was Child Placed on ICE? Risk Assessment Tool completed Barnardos/Jigsaw4U/ Young Women & Girls worker Year Group 2014-15 Attendance Update Police report showing 587 should be completed Risk Level High, Medium or Low Gangs/Older Boyfriend/Males Age at Referral Missing Episodes CP or LAC SE Meeting Date Home Address Case Worker FSM Status Date Case set to CTR Criteria Status Time open on panel SEN On roll / Off roll status Special Indicator CF check Update Date returned to education/ date closed on CME Time to return to education/ close case Absence Type Notes Date Placement Absence Ended Days Absent CPR-Y/N Remarks/ CSE Incident Date Ref number Post code Care Borough

6 CSE Mapping and Data collation in Merton In common with findings from other reviews including the recent peer review of CSE data and services across London, the majority of young people at risk of CSE do not feature as looked after or as subject to a child protection plan. The stand out feature of the May data is the number of 15 year olds identified at risk of CSE and the prevalence of White/British victims. Of the 15 year olds 2 are also looked after and 2 are subject to a child protection plan.

7 CSE Mapping and Data collation in Merton Tracking outcomes for young people at risk of sexual exploitation is measured against a framework of outcome areas. Progress is tracked over time using a standardised framework developed in partnership with Barnardos covering: Enhanced parent/carer/adult - child relationships Ability to express feelings Knowledge of sexual health strategies Reduced/safer consumption of controlled substances Able to identify abusive/exploitative behaviour Recovery from sexual abuse/exploitation Able to describe safety strategies Reduction in level of risk/harm Reduced association with risky peers/adults Remains in regular contact with the service Stable and secure accommodation Family has access to support services Episodes of missing from home/care reduced Satisfactory school/college attendance Aware of own rights and those of others

8 CSE Mapping and Data collation in Merton In the six month period up until the end of December 2014 13 young people showed 135 changes in outcome status across the 15 domains 58 showed improved outcomes 58 showed maintained outcomes and 21 showed at least one area of a worsening outcome

9 CSE Mapping and Data collation in Merton The mapping for victims includes data on school attendance that supports the CSE champions in Merton’s schools to target their advice and guidance to particular young people. The local data shows significant numbers of young people attending out of borough schools and they are incorporated into the planning and support for young people through their attendance at CSE strategy meetings and in cross borough Senior Strategy meetings

10 CSE Mapping and Data collation in Merton The accompanying spreadsheet shows the range of data we are beginning to integrate to better ensure the prioritisation and coordination of our response to young people. The significance of Missing data and CSE is illustrated in the Dashboard. In Merton there were 482 Missing episodes Jan-Dec 2014 14 Merton LAC accounted for 46 episodes. 53 Other LAC accounted for 216 episodes. 20 of the current cases open to MASE have also been reported Missing. 3 MASE cases are also Missing Education (CME).

11 CSE Mapping and Data collation in Merton Working with colleagues and partners is key to successfully responding to the local and regional challenge of CSE. During the National CSE awareness day in March this year the Metropolitan police made 70 arrests in relation to CSE suspects. This was a very welcome step in combatting CSE in London and it is hoped that whilst none of the arrests took place in Merton the increased police focus on CSE will soon be replicated in our Borough where 20 referrals for CSE concern have been logged under the new pan London Police CSE Protocol.

12 CSE Mapping and Data collation in Merton Alongside CSE data we also map information and intelligence on Person’s of Concern At the current time there are 10 POC’s. 3 are adults and 7 are young people. 8 cases are under police investigation for allegations of rape, sexual assault or enquiries relating to other offences such as drug dealing or violence. Over the year to date there have been a further 12 person’s of concern identified and all POC’s are triangulated with known and associated gang activity and venues of concern.

13 CSE Mapping and Data collation in Merton The MASE membership is drawn from a wide range of partner agencies including children services, education, health, police, voluntary services and youth justice. The work and data from the MASE panel is being integrated with information from other associated panels addressing Youth Offending; Missing from Education; Missing from home and care to ensure young people’s lived experience is fully understood and intervention is coordinated.

14 CSE Mapping and Data collation in Merton For the period 1 st April 2014 to 31 st March 2015 there were 34 referrals to the MASE for CSE concerns. The number of Open cases has continued on an upward trend as awareness of the issue of CSE has been raised across partner agencies and stands at 47 for the current period (May 2015).

15 CSE Mapping and Data collation in Merton Thank you Any Comments or Questions? Paul AngeliLee Hopkins Asst DirectorCSE lead

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