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S.N. DMITRIEV, P.Yu. APEL Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter.

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Presentation on theme: "S.N. DMITRIEV, P.Yu. APEL Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter."— Presentation transcript:

1 S.N. DMITRIEV, P.Yu. APEL Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics 29th meeting, 26-27 January 2009 Proposals of FLNR to the 7-year JINR plan

2 Theme 04-5-1076-2009/2011: Radiation effects and physical bases of nanotechnology, radioanalytical and radioisotopic investigations at the FLNR accelerators

3 Investigations of radiation damage in solids and formation of nanostructures Investigation of materials with low energy ions using ECR ion source Investigation of materials with low energy ions using ECR ion source Radioanalytical methods for environmental studies Production of ultra-pure isotopes Main directions: Design of accelerator complexes for for nuclear medicine and radiation physics Multidisciplinary research Supported from JINR budget From nonbudgetary sources

4 “Spiral” concept: from FLNR accelerators to …new accelerators FLNR accelerators Fundamental research Applied research Scientific achievements and Innovations Demands for new irradiation facilities New accelerators

5 Development of basic facilities of FLNR for radiation physics, radioisotope production, materials science, and nanotechnological applications:   Upgrading the IC-100 cyclotron (improvement of vacuum system, improvement of beam intensity and quality, acceleration of W ions for studies of dense ionization effects)   Construction of specialized equipment for space radiation simulation and testing electronic components on the beamline of U-400   Realization of mass irradiation of polymer films on the DC-60 cyclotron   Construction of a ECR-source for radiation treatment of materials and multiple-component implantation

6 Why testing electronic components? Development of radiation resistant electronics is of primary importance nowadays. The hazards of space radiation pose significant problems in a long duration space flight. In particular, the radiation hardiness of the materials used in electronics equipments plays a large role in determining the useful lifetime of the satellite, probe, or robot. Upsets in electronics may result in fatal faults in space missions and many-billion losses

7 IC-100 CYCLOTRON In 2010-2016: The cyclotron should become a versatile instrument for a wide variety of applications based on ion beams both of low- and high- intensity and of different atomic numbers

8 Astana, Kazakhstan Realization of roll-to-roll track membrane technology on DC-60 Experiments on the DC-60 cyclotron

9 New innovation projects:   Design and construction of a specialized accelerator for BETA project – production of track membranes for cascade plasmapheresis   Development of new track membranes for medical use in the framework of of the BETA project   Use of FLNR experimental facilities in the framework of the International Innovation Centre of Nanotechnology at JINR and in the framework of projects under development in the special economical zone

10 New dedicated accelerator for the production of track membranes The BETA project to be carried out in the Special Economical Zone in Dubna (“Cascade plasmapheresis”) Requirements to the accelerator: Accelerated ions not lighter than Kr Intensity 5x10 12 c -1 Energy 2.5-3 MeV/u Production of track membranes for 2x10 6 plasmapheresis modules a year Module for plasmapheresis

11 Radioecological studies, production of high-purity radioisotopes:   Use of the MT-25 microtron and the U-200 cyclotron for production of unique isotopes such as 178m Hf, 225 Ac, 236 Pu, 237 Pu

12 Why unique radioisotopes? Example: triggered  -decay of Hf-178m2 Nuclear isomers such as Hf-178m2 store in the nucleus 10,000 times as much energy per gram as TNT (1.2 GJ/g) Isomer high-energy density materials (HEDMs) have potential energy yields orders of magnitude greater than existing chemical energetics. Potential applications range from very high-density energetics for propulsion and warheads to high-energy and power density primary sources to address requirements for EM launchers and all- electric propulsion. Production reaction: 176 Yb ( ,2n) 178m2 Hf

13 Experimental and theoretical investigations with ion beams in the field of material science and nanotechnology:   Investigations of effects of multiple charge ions with energies from  1 keV/u to  10 MeV/u on materials aiming at structure modification, radiation resistance testing, controlled alteration of practically important properties   Implantation-based synthesis of nano-structured materials with unique properties to be applied in electronics, optics, telecommunication, measurement technology, etc.   Investigation of micro- and nanopores produced by the ion track etching method in various materials, for the innovative applications in nanofluidics, sensor technology, modeling biological membranes, etc. Development of new composite materials based on track membranes, produced by metal coating, plasma treatment, plasmo-chemical grafting, pore filling

14 Why studies of radiation resistant materials? Topical issue: Search for candidates for inert matrix fuel hosts (MgAl 2 O 4, MgO, Al 2 O 3, ZrO 2, SiC, ZrC, AlN, Si 3 N 4 ) 4.12 µm Xe 120 126 006 129129 009 TEM micrograph of A 2 O 3 :Cr single crystal irradiated with E=167 MeV Xe ions.  t=2.9  10 13 cm -2, T=80 K, ion beam incidence angle 30 o, R p  5 µm Ion irradiation in the track overlapping regime leads to amorphization of A 2 O 3 :Cr crystals Collaboration with: J.H. O'Connell, E.J. Olivier Department of Physics, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

15 Why track-etched nanopores? C.R. Martin. Nanomaterials: a membrane-based synthetic approach. Science, 266 (1994) 1961. Cited 1950 times by 26.01.09 There are numerous nanotechnological applications (existing and potential) based on the use of nanoporous materials Extraordinary scientific activity in this field: For comparison: H.W. Kroto et al. C 60 : Buckminsterfullerene. Nature, 318 (1985) 162 Cited 4146 times by 26.01.09

16 Collaboration and partnership Collaborators from member states (11): Republic of Belarus Republic of Bulgaria Czech Republic Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Republic of Moldova Republic of Poland Romania Russian Federation Slovak Republic Ukraine Socialist Republic of Vietnam Collaborators from other states (6): Germany Spain Hungary USA Japan RSA

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