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Progress, challenges and opportunities – Trust perspective. John McLellan E&D Adviser Basildon and Thurrock University Hospital NHS FT Mid-Essex Hospital.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress, challenges and opportunities – Trust perspective. John McLellan E&D Adviser Basildon and Thurrock University Hospital NHS FT Mid-Essex Hospital."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress, challenges and opportunities – Trust perspective. John McLellan E&D Adviser Basildon and Thurrock University Hospital NHS FT Mid-Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust

2 Progress? Visibility. Investment. Local, regional and national events. Part of language – NHS Constitution, CQC approach, etc.

3 Challenges? Senior management engagement. Budget commitment. Viewed narrowly, not seen as important or not an issue for this Trust, etc.

4 Challenges plus! Cuts. Budget restraints. Board and senior management attention. Perceived relevance.

5 How can these challenges be met? Examples of external pressure: –Southend and Disability Essex. –Mid-Essex and the HCC. –Basildon and Mencap.

6 How can these challenges be met? Examples of internal pressure: –Patient and public engagement agenda. –Risk / Governance agenda. –Events. –Staff networks.

7 Influencing and engagement examples. Southend – personal involvement of Chief Exec with Changing Faces. Broomfield – E&D Risk Mitigation Workshop! Basildon – Learning disability focus after inquest outcomes.

8 Influencing and engagement examples. Patient, carer and staff engagement. –Essex CC disability network. –LInKs in Essex. –CQC partnership involvement workshop. –DRAG and EIAs. –Diwali event. –Unison LGBT networks.

9 Opportunity 2010+? Tough years to come. Must show value, must align with other strategies. Leverage CQC and concept of ‘risk’. Push community engagement. Influence and capture Senior Management attention.

10 Q&A and more information. Clarifications / questions? More info if required: Mobile: 07850 690038

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