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Award Criteria KA1 and KA2 projects are assessed using award criteria. Proposals must score a min 60 points And at least half of the maximum points awarded.

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Presentation on theme: "Award Criteria KA1 and KA2 projects are assessed using award criteria. Proposals must score a min 60 points And at least half of the maximum points awarded."— Presentation transcript:

1 Award Criteria KA1 and KA2 projects are assessed using award criteria. Proposals must score a min 60 points And at least half of the maximum points awarded under each criteria)

2 KA1 Mobility Project for Young People and Youth Workers

3 Relevance of the project (KA1)

4 Project Design &Implementation (KA1)

5 Impact & Dissemination (KA1)

6 KA2 Strategic Partnership in the field of Education, Training & Youth

7 Relevance of the project

8 Quality of the project design & Implementation

9 Quality of the project team & the cooperation arrangements

10 Impact and Dissemination

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