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The Giant Loss ------Bruce Lee'sDeath Group member: Jenny Emily Abby Larry Ronnie Anna.

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2 The Giant Loss ------Bruce Lee'sDeath Group member: Jenny Emily Abby Larry Ronnie Anna

3 Bruce Lee ----a superstar and a father

4 Introduction Lee was 32 years old when he died in Hong Kong on 20 July 1973. That day,Lee was in Hong Kong, due to have dinner with former James Bond star George Lazenby, with whom he intended to make a film. According to Lee's wife Linda, Lee met producer Raymond Chow at 2 p.m. at home to discuss the making of the movie Game of Death. They worked until 4 p.m. and then drove together to the home of Lee's colleague Betty Ting, a Taiwanese actress. The three went over the script at Ting's home, and then Chow left to attend a dinner meeting.

5 Review the Day

6 Several Explanations The death of more than three decades of international superstar Bruce Lee, the cause of death remains a mystery.  1 Drug allergy  2 Excessive exercise  3 Gang plot  4 Curse

7 Drug allergy 7 28, officially announced the cause of death of Bruce Lee: taking pain medication allergies cause of brain edema, leading to death. The medical experts say so puzzled, so far, the world does not take aspirin allergy death precedent. Why Bruce Lee died suddenly, and sometimes divergent views among the community.

8 Excessive exercise Hawk American School of Medicine, Professor Bruce Lee in pursuit of power and the speed limit, the daily exercise intensity is too large, quick success and practicing bad body. Coupled with his training method shall not be treated, resulting in blood disorders, and fighting games in a number of brain injuries caused by product risk, all this is the reason caused his death.

9 Former Argument Doctors announced Lee's death officially, it was ruled a "death by misadventure." Dr. Don Langford, Lee's personal physician,believed that "Equagesic was not at all involved in Bruce's first collapse. Professor R.D. Teare, a forensic scientist.His conclusion was that the death was caused by an acute cerebral edema due to a reaction to compounds present in the prescription pain killing drug Equagesic.

10 Bruce's Weight TimeWeight(pound) 1970155 1972146(healthy) 1973135(under weight) 1973,May126(sickly)

11 Gang plot a Japanese production of muscle vibration machine prohibit the sale of the company was system and the physiological systems balance and coordination. Hassan suddenly remembered this time, Bruce Lee in the year before death have been using such products, try to make the muscles stronger. Is If it is really about, then this is the product carefully planned the murder of an accident or what?

12 Curse When a martial arts star Bruce Lee in Hollywood after the defeat of the Japanese on the screen several times in the samurai, which has aroused strong resentment among the Japanese martial arts. In order to save face, Japanese karate champion and judo champion Lee issued a challenge to the invitation.


14 Later Two UK doctors flew in to overturn Bruce's doctor's cause of death, and blamed it on a pain pill ( he had been taking for years ). It was also for insurance reasons and payouts, since Bruce stated in his will, he didn't use illegal drugs and if he did--he would be subject to payouts to certain parties.

15 In Conclusion It seems though people took the rumor too far of Betty Ting being mistress of Bruce Lee, it's not the fact. It says it right up there that Bruce Lee, Ray and George were all invited to Betty Ting's house for dinner and Chow left after dinner meeting but Bruce Lee only stayed probably to go over the script. But who knows, Betty Ting is writing the book about that day, for years, she was hiding in the shadow of media, reporters and people because she was scared of facing such thing after Bruce Lee just passed away. Strangely, an early death was a conceivability that Lee had contemplated with surprising frequency. According to his wife Linda, he had no wish to live to a ripe old age because he could not stand the idea of losing the physical abilities he had strived so hard to achieve. "If I should die tomorrow," he used to say, "I will have no regrets. I did what I wanted to do. You can't expect more from life."

16 Bye~

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