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Creating Space for Building Your Leadership Real Estate

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Space for Building Your Leadership Real Estate"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Space for Building Your Leadership Real Estate
Need: Poster Paper Sticky Notes Markers Speakers Coherence Framework Evaluation: Did they get what we said we were getting? Resource Page: Heifus - put in actual presentation Presentation: 90 copies webinar offering - identify dates (March 2016) Needs of the school and what they could develop as a result. What can an AP own from start to finish? Expected results Given the space or need to create more adaptive time in their day. Use the schools’ data to drive how you will create space for adaptive work. Creating Space to Build your Leadership Real Estate: Participants will engage in activities that will assist with identifying areas in their current school they can establish themselves as an instructional leader. Presented by Susan Holiday Prince George’s County Public Schools

2 Wallace Foundation 5 Key Practices
Shaping Vision Creating a Climate Hospital to Education Cultivating Leadership in Others Improving Instruction Managing People, Data, and Processes

3 Objectives Participants will
identify the difference between technical and adaptive work. engage in activities that will assist with identifying areas in their current school they can establish themselves as an instructional leader. McCray

4 How can we divide our work?
Make a list of 5 things that you have done in your job in the past 5 days. Debi: This is where I thought we would interact around our work. You and I would both do this activity and then be able to “talk” through it.

5 PGCPS Coherence Framework
Why we do our work? Both

6 Leadership Failure “….the single most common source of leadership failure we’ve been able to identify – in politics, community life, business, or the non-profit sector – is that people, especially those in positions of authority, treat adaptive challenges like technical problems” (Heifetz & Linsky, 2002, p. 14). Susan

7 Challenges Leaders Face
Technical Adaptive Challenges that can be solved by knowledge of experts. Change has a clearly defined problem, solution and implementation. Change must come from new learning and from the collective intelligence of employees at all levels. Susan Ronald A. Heifetz

8 How can we divide our work?
Kind of Work Problem Definition Solutions and Implementation Primary Focus of Responsibility for the Work Technical Clear Authority Technical and Adaptive Requires Learning Authority and Stakeholder Adaptive Stakeholder Susan Center for Integrated Leadership Dr. Ronald Heifetz

9 Now that you know the difference between adaptive and technical work, label your 5 items as either:
Activity #1 Susan Depending on school, you might find work technical, but for some it is adaptive. What sticky note was easiest to identify? What was the most difficult? Where do you spend the majority of your time?

10 Poll Questions Which area (technical or adaptive) would you place classroom observation? Which area (technical or adaptive) would you place cafeteria duty?

11 How do you create the “space” for more adaptive work?

12 What are your school's Big Rocks?
List 2-3 items that your school is “focused on. For example: Questioning Techniques Writing in Math Vocabulary School Wide Behavior System Susan

13 Elements of the PGCPS Coherence Framework
Culture Systems Structures Stakeholders Resources norms and values that drive the behavior and work processes and procedures through which work gets done define how the work of the school gets done; includes how people are organized, who has responsibility and accountability for results, and who makes or influences decisions. people and groups inside and outside of the district financial resources throughout the organization; includes people and physical assets such as technology and data. fly in with PPT (Both) make a activity sheet.

14 Glen Dale E.S. Instructional Rock
Leadership Meeting Data Quarterly Benchmark Student Work Samples Staff Meeting Professional Development Vertical Planning Glen Dale E.S. Instructional Rock McCray

15 DataWise Improvement Process
What is DataWise? The mission of the DataWise Improvement Process is to support educators in using collaborative data inquiry to drive continuous improvement of teaching and learning of all students. DataWise Improvement Process

16 School Example: Vertical Planning
Culture Systems Structures Stakeholders Resources Data Wise Norms Timekeeper and Notetaker Meeting Notes in Google Drive Weekly Grade Level Meetings Collaboration Plans for a culture of learning that meets the needs of all students Administration Meeting (Allocating Money for materials) Professional Development (Content & Instructional Practice Leadership Meetings Staff Surveys Collaborative Planning (Provide teachers time to collaborate) Master Schedule Rolling Agenda All teachers, paraprofessionals, specialists Administration District Content Specialist Custodians SBB Money Classrooms Technology (laptops, overhead projectors) Postage pads Markers Curriculum Maps Performance Matters MCCRAY Culture: the norms and values that drive the behavior and work. Discuss the compass points. Discuss how we organized ourselves to get the work done. How was the culture built in the school? Systems: which are the processes and procedures through which work gets done Structures: help define how the work of the district gets done. It includes how people are organized, who has responsibility and accountability for results, and who makes or influences decisions. Structures can be both formal (deliberately established organizational forms) and informal (the way decisions get made or the way people work and interact outside of formal channels). (Develops procedures for developing learning outcomes of each meeting). (Plans a schedule that enables quality instruction) Stakeholders: The people and groups inside and outside of the district - district and school staff, governing bodies, unions and associations, parents and parent organizations, civic and community leaders and organizations. Resources: Managing the flow of financial resources throughout the organization is important, but resources also include people and physical assets such as technology and data.

17 Rolling Agenda Structure in which meetings are held and facilitated.
Key Components: Objectives Times Notes Next Steps Plus/Deltas Archives Information

18 Big Rock: Discipline System
Culture Systems Structures Stakeholders Resources Susan make a activity sheet.

19 Create Your Space! The best way to predict the future is to create it
Abraham Lincoln Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. Albert Einstein Both

20 Resources Wallace Foundation (
DataWise Improvement Process ( =datawise) NAESP ( NASSP (

21 Creating Space for Building Your Leadership Real Estate
Q & A Write your questions for the presenters in the “Question” box on the webinar panel.

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