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Forests and climate change Will Ashley-Cantello Chief Adviser, Forests.

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Presentation on theme: "Forests and climate change Will Ashley-Cantello Chief Adviser, Forests."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forests and climate change Will Ashley-Cantello Chief Adviser, Forests

2 Forests: problem and solution Deforestation and degradation are responsible for between 10-20% global emissions. The “gigatonne gap” is 8-12GtCO2e by 2020… Agriculture, forests and land use emissions are 10-12Gt CO2e ZNDD by 2020 would reduce global emissions by 5Gt per year Forest restoration or afforestation is an effective adaptation measure

3 What are your objectives related to climate change? Zero Net Deforestation and Degradation = Zero Net Emissions from Def and Deg Forests and land use integrated into overall climate deal: env integrity and finance Mobilise greater levels of finance for REDD+ Promote non-carbon benefits from REDD+

4 What have you been doing/ key successes in last year? Relationships and advocacy – UNFCCC and ICF – promoting WWF objectives Sharing intelligence with Forest & Climate Programme; contributing to their policy positions Supported work by WWF-US and Latin American offices to raise LA country ambition on forests – led to “Lima Challenge.” Work through IPS in priority places, Forest Campaign

5 What plans and opportunities are there, including key dates? 26 January: HRH event on forests in climate change and Sustainable Development Goals March: launch of “Zero Net Deforestation: Status Report” Development of project to pilot ways to measure implementation of REDD+ safeguards Ongoing advocacy

6 Any key stakeholders/partners you are working with Forests and Climate Programme DECC (DFID and Defra) ClimateAdvisers HRH International Sustainability Unit BOND (and other NGOs) UNEP-WCMC

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