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THE MONGOLS BUILD A GIANT EMPIRE In about 1200 AD, Mongols burst out of Central Asia to conquer an empire stretching across Asia and Europe They overran.

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Presentation on theme: "THE MONGOLS BUILD A GIANT EMPIRE In about 1200 AD, Mongols burst out of Central Asia to conquer an empire stretching across Asia and Europe They overran."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE MONGOLS BUILD A GIANT EMPIRE In about 1200 AD, Mongols burst out of Central Asia to conquer an empire stretching across Asia and Europe They overran the Song Dynasty and imposed Mongol rule on its people!

2 Mongols were nomadic people who raised horses and sheep on the steppes—big treeless plains of Central Asia Rival Mongol clans fought with each other until early 1200s, when a brilliant Mongol “chieftain” united the warring Mongol tribes. His original name was Temjuin, but he changed his name to Genghis Khan Which means “universal ruler”

3 Who WAS Genghis Khan? At age 9 a rival Mongol clan poisoned his father At age 15 he was taken prisoner When he regained freedom he took revenge on the clan that imprisoned him and became the Mongol supreme leader United the Mongol clans Connection of his leadership to his personal experiences? Rival Mongol clan battles resulted in death of his father and imprisonment. Motivates him to unite the Mongols!

4 1.Mongols Invade China Genghis Khan used strict military discipline and demanded absolute loyalty. He had a well trained army with some of the most skilled horsemen in the world Khan was brutal at war. Sometimes ordered the massacre of an entire city. BUT, he was also very generous – rewarding Mongol soldiers for their bravery in combat.

5 Genghis Khan conquered Asian steppe lands easily, but attacking China was hard due to walled cities. But then? Chinese and Turkish military experts taught Mongols to use cannons and other new weapons Mongols and Chinese launched missiles against each other from cannons -metal tubes filled with gunpowder Genghis Khan didn’t live to complete China conquest, but his heirs continued to expand Mongol empire

6 For 150 years, the Mongols dominated much of Asia -- they toppled empires and spread destruction from southern Russia, Muslim lands in SW Asia, to China. Steep mountain ranges protected India but Mongols invaded China and took over! (Destroyed the province of Sichuan (see chwahn) and the capital city of Chengdu.

7 2) Rulers Establish Order and Peace Once the Mongols took over, they actually allowed conquered people to live just as they lived before. Genghis Khan set an example for his succession buy ruling conquered lands with toleration and justice. Mongol Genghis Khan respected scholars, artists and artisans He also accepted ideas with Confucians, Buddhist, Christians, Muslims, Jews and Zoroastrians, And his sons and grandsons did the same.

8 3.PAX Mongolica —Mongol Peace 1200s—1300s Political Stability Economic Growth with Mongols in charge Trade flourishes—Silk Roads again in Eurasia—cultural exchange Examples of Cultural Exchange? foods, tools, inventions, and ideas spread along protected trade routes From China, gunpowder moved west into Europe in addition to papermaking

9 4. China under Mongol Rule Genghis Khan subdued northern China and over the next 70 years – finally - his grandson Kublai Khan (koobly khan) overthrew the last Song emperor in 1279 From Capital at Khanbaliq (today’s Beijing) Kublai Khan ruled all of China as well as Korea and Tibet

10 5.An All Mongol government Kublai Khan tried to prevent Mongols from being absorbed into Chinese civilizations Only Mongols could serve in military High government officials? Only Mongols or non-Chinese were employed by Kublai Khan But due to the huge empire, Kublai allows Chinese officials to rule local provinces.

11 Under Mongol rule, a major mix of Chinese and other foreign customs occurred... 1. Kublai chose a Chinese name for his dynasty, the Yuan (You Ahn) 2. Arab architects designed his palace 3. Rebuilt and expanded the Grand Canal to his new capital, making trade of rice, etc. easier. 4. Welcomed foreigners to his court, including the African Muslim world travelers Ibu Battata!

12 6.Marco Polo Writes About China! Italian merchant Marco Polo visited China during the Yuan dynasty! In 1271 he left Venice with his father and uncle. They crossed Persia and Central Asia and reached China (for 25 years). Spent 17 years in Kublai’s service-- as a merchant. Then he returned to Venice by sea visiting SE Asia and India along the way.

13 A.Marco Polo’s Writings Wrote vivid account of the wealth and splendor of China. Described royal palace at Kublai Khan in his Travelers Tale Described China’s mail service with couriers riding ponies along the empire’s well-kept roads Reported that the city of Hangzhou’s was 10 to 12 times the size of Venice, one of Italy’s richest city- states Results? Marco Polo’s writings sparked European interest in the RICHES of Asia!

14 So, what do you think? Was the Mongol Empire good for the world? Or bad?

15 Well anyway you look at it, the Mongol Empire was the biggest empire in history!

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