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Ethics Committee Update Jonna Gerken & Virginia Counts November 4 th, 2012.

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1 Ethics Committee Update Jonna Gerken & Virginia Counts November 4 th, 2012

2 Background Code of Conduct created in 2009, approved by BOD & Senate in January 2010 Close gap in procedures & policy to protect the Society and its members Updated in Nov 2010 to expand eligibility for Ethics Committee members Based on a collection of ‘best practices’ for associations by professional societies. Written by legal firms specializing in association management Also reviewed a few examples of completed documents from associations In-house legal review completed Ethics Committee established in FY12 to implement procedure FY11 did not have enough interested and eligible members to create committee No incidents submitted to date FY12 Committee focused on understanding the procedure and the process for implementing it Submitted recommendations to the FY12 Society President for prioritization in FY13 (see next page)

3 Current Open Items Original Motion Included the following action: Form a BOD task force to (1) determine where to place the code of conduct so it is visible to all members (2) separate out items that the Board owns vs the Senate owns (3) highlight other overlapping documents and try to avoid duplication (4) determine how we will have all members acknowledge the code of conduct (5) eliminate any items that are not enforceable FY12 Ethics Committee recommended the following actions to the BOD (May 2012) Discuss with Legal the risk of having some changes approved by the BOD and others by the Senate and/or BOD Consider moving Section IX of the procedure (Sanctions) to the Code of Conduct, allowing the member to clearly read and understand the ramifications of disobeying the Code Other items may also need to be moved regarding member rights prior to, during, and after an investigation Requires the Code to be modified and approved by the senate Clarify the impact and implementation of the Code & procedure on Life & Honorary members, in addition to other member grades that do not pay yearly dues (and thus would not be validating agreement with the Code)

4 Desired Outcome for Today Address/decide whether original motion actions are still valid If so, create a BOD task force If not, why? Which Ethics Committee recommendations are not overlapping with BOD action Which can be combined and completed by Ethics Committee? What is priority? Decide final ownership of document(s) Ethics Committee feels ownership of the procedure rests with the BOD Editorial or procedural changes should be approved by the BOD Changes that may impact member rights or member sanctions should also be approved by the Senate, as they are the representative body of the membership

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