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Yr 9 English and Media Trip to London!. Watch the following slides to find out more…! The trip includes:  Executive return coach travel to London  Accommodation.

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Presentation on theme: "Yr 9 English and Media Trip to London!. Watch the following slides to find out more…! The trip includes:  Executive return coach travel to London  Accommodation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yr 9 English and Media Trip to London!

2 Watch the following slides to find out more…! The trip includes:  Executive return coach travel to London  Accommodation at the Thameside YHA  All meals  Shakespeare’s Globe tour, exhibition and 90 minute workshop  BBC Broadcasting House Tour  West End Theatre performance  Warner Brothers Studio Tour  Friday evening dinner at Hard Rock Café  Saturday evening dinner at Pizza Hut  Packed Lunches

3 Visit the Harry Potter studios and take a tour! Actual Hogwarts!

4 Visit BBC Broadcasting House…..

5 …and Europe’s largest newsroom!


7 278d-8b17- 001a113cdfbc&feature=iv&src_vid=zsQFjHmrR5Y&v=GRpWkWY5W0c Visit the West End and see a show!

8 Visit Shakespeare’s Globe…

9 Plus… Eat out in London! Maybe the Queen will have us to dinner…

10 See your English Teacher for a letter… The trip will take place next June so start saving for your butter beer now!

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