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SFFES- Ecological Sensitivity Workshop CWHmm1 (5% of District)

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Presentation on theme: "SFFES- Ecological Sensitivity Workshop CWHmm1 (5% of District)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SFFES- Ecological Sensitivity Workshop CWHmm1 (5% of District)

2 CWHmm1 – C-main to Memekay

3 CWHmm1 – C-main to Memekay - Current BEC

4 CWHmm1- Bookend Climate Scenarios

5 CWHmm1 – C-main to Memekay – PCM-B1 2050

6 CWHmm1– PCM-B1 2050 CWHxm temp CWHmm Precip So warmer version of CWHmm

7 CWHmm1 – C-main to Memekay – HAD-A1FI 2050

8 CWHmm1– HAD-A1F1 2050 CDFmm temp CWHmm2 Precip

9 CWHmm1 – HAD-A1F1 2050 Summer heat: moisture index At the CWHxm level

10 CONSIDER CWHmm1 STAND / ECOSYSTEMS – In a changing climate

11 CWHmm1 STAND / ECOSYSTEMS- 2050(PCM & HAD) SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION: Vulnerability Classes Low – Stands will suffer minor losses due to climate change. Mod – likely will suffer significant but manageable losses and or secondary risks (fire etc.) High – likely will suffer major losses or incur high secondary risks, but catastrophic losses unlikely. Very High – likelihood for catastrophic losses are high. Opportunity Classes Nil – No opportunity to enhance growth. Minor – Minor growth enhancement likely. Significant – significant growth enhancement likely. SpeciesVuln. Class Opp. Class Reasoning (e.g. drought stress/ BaModNilUnder PCM OK, Had, summer drought could be an issue. Needs early growing season moisture usually from snowmelt GGD up – BWA could be an issue, is in Mem. HwLowOk, PCM remains suited. Had, summer drought an issue. Hemlock looper? Could be triggered by heat – couple of years after hot

12 CWHmm1 STAND / ECOSYSTEMS- 2050(PCM & HAD) SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION: SpeciesSens. Class Opp. Class Reasoning (e.g. drought stress/ BaModNilUnder PCM OK, Had, summer drought could be an issue. Needs early growing season moisture usually from snowmelt GGD up – BWA could be an issue, is in Mem. HwLowMod to Low Ok, PCM remains suited. Had, summer drought an issue. Hemlock looper? Could be triggered by heat – couple of years after hot – PhD. FdLowHad - minor Fd potentially the best adapted for the Had scenarios. Frost could be an issue at regen.

13 CWHmm1 STAND / ECOSYSTEMS- 2050(PCM & HAD) SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION: SpeciesSens. ClassOpp. Class Reasoning (e.g. drought stress/ CwVary by site Had = mod to height NilOk on receiving sites – Had DS YcModNilNear upper end – similar to SE Alaska? Ground needs to freeze.

14 CWHmm1Ecologically Suitable Regen – Now and Future MESIC SITE DISCUSSION : 1.What are the vulnerabilities and why? (drought / insects / disease?) 2.What are the opportunities – where / when? 3.What are the outstanding questions?

15 CWHmm1 Regeneration Vulnerabilities & Opportunities Added Comments: Mesic Sites

16 PEEK FURTHER INTO THE FUTURE CWHmm1 – C-main to Memekay – PCM-B1 2080 CWHdm CWHxm1 CWHdm CWHmm1

17 PEEK FURTHER INTO THE FUTURE CWHmm1 – C-main to Memekay – HAD-A1F1 2080 CWHxm-hot CWHxm1 CWHxm - hot CWHxm1 CWHxm - hot

18 CWHxm1 CWHxm - hot CWHxm1 CWHxm - hot PEEK FURTHER INTO THE FUTURE CWHmm1 – C-main to Memekay – HAD-A1F1 2080 CWHxm-hot

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