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Baseline Andreas Pertl Gudrun Obersteiner Silvia Scherhaufer Peter Beigl 3 rd General Meeting 5 rd - 8 th July 2010 Southampton.

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Presentation on theme: "Baseline Andreas Pertl Gudrun Obersteiner Silvia Scherhaufer Peter Beigl 3 rd General Meeting 5 rd - 8 th July 2010 Southampton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baseline Andreas Pertl Gudrun Obersteiner Silvia Scherhaufer Peter Beigl 3 rd General Meeting 5 rd - 8 th July 2010 Southampton

2 Andreas Pertl, Gudrun Obersteiner08.07.20102 Baseline scenario What production process is considered: European average, specific to the ZeroWIN partner Transport processes What is the lifetime of the product What happens with the product at the EoL (reuse/recycle/disposal?) Where do you expect the biggest environmental impact (CO2, water, waste)

3 Andreas Pertl, Gudrun Obersteiner08.07.20103 General statements We have to know the scenarios (baseline and pilot case) before we can assess anything –Discussion in the Workshops We cannot assess on the basis of general ideas We cannot create scenarios – You are the experts We are always open for all questions and demands from you – Please contact us

4 Andreas Pertl, Gudrun Obersteiner08.07.20104 Proposed/Possible CS1: –Prototype now, reuse as now –Normal Laptop, disposal in residual waste CS2 –PV now, Battery landfilled in Africa CS5: –Bauserve now CS7: –Optimised scenario: 70 % reduction x, 90 % reductiony CS8: –Other real existing demolition case

5 Andreas Pertl, Gudrun Obersteiner08.07.20105 General Baseline Sticking on existing legal regulations and state of the art in Europe

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