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This quiz is a modified true/false. If the statement is true, simply put a “T”. If the statement is false, correct the underlined word to make the statement.

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Presentation on theme: "This quiz is a modified true/false. If the statement is true, simply put a “T”. If the statement is false, correct the underlined word to make the statement."— Presentation transcript:

1 This quiz is a modified true/false. If the statement is true, simply put a “T”. If the statement is false, correct the underlined word to make the statement true. Example: The Grand Canyon is the perfect example of a place that has experienced hardly any weathering and erosion. ANS: F; a great deal of 1. Weathering is the process that transports material from one place to another, through the work of wind, water and ice.

2 2. Chemical weathering is a process that can occur over time through the action of ice/frost wedging. 3. Unlike most liquids, when water freezes, it expands up to 9% of its original volume. 4. The force of gravity causes loose rock and soil to move down slope rapidly during mass wasting. 5. Rapid and significant temperature changes can lead to chemical weathering.

3 6. Deflation is a weathering process that most notably happens in igneous rock, such as granite, when large curved cracks occur near the surface due to expansion and contraction, and pieces of rock just slide away from the surface. 7. Two factors that can influence the velocity of water, and therefore increase erosion caused by it, are size of the particles, and discharge. 8. Rocks that are composed of hard minerals, such as quartz, are more resistant to the agents of both chemical, and mechanical weathering.

4 9. When granite is chemically weathered, the feldspar can decompose into kaolinite, a type of clay, which strengthens the structure of the granite, markedly. 10. When rocks and minerals exposed to water are chemically changed, hydration has occurred. ***BONUS***10 points What is the difference between a haboob, and a hoodoo?

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