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Demonstrates how the concept functions or operates in the real world FUNCTION STRATEGY.

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Presentation on theme: "Demonstrates how the concept functions or operates in the real world FUNCTION STRATEGY."— Presentation transcript:

1 demonstrates how the concept functions or operates in the real world FUNCTION STRATEGY

2 Function strategy example… (smart phone) There is sometimes confusion over what makes a phone a smart phone. Smart phones allow users to carry around their most important information in a handheld device. They are like personal assistants in object-form. These phones go beyond simply making phone calls; they can take pictures and video, make calculations, play music, navigate, along with many other functions. Operating systems similar to the ones found on computers are also installed on smart phones, allowing users to surf the web from anywhere. In our current society, smart phones are sometimes much more intelligent than humans.

3 uses examples to help the reader understand the definition. These examples often come from texts. EXAMPLE STRATEGY

4 Example strategy example… (smart phone) Most people these days either own a smart phone or know someone who does. People are less likely to ask, “Do you have a smart phone?” More often, they will ask, “What type of smart phone do you have?” The iPhone is one of the most popular types of smart phones. These phones became more popular as the numbers of Apple users expanded. However, we cannot ignore the many Android smart phones, which also have updated software and features. From the Blackberry Q10 to the HTC One to the ever popular Samsung Galaxy, the choices for smart phones seem never-ending.

5 explains what something is but showing what it is not. Using negation helps to contrast your definition with others’ definitions. NEGATION STRATEGY

6 Negation strategy example… (smart phone) Smart phones have changed the way people live daily lives. In the past, phones were used primarily for communicating through talking, but that is no longer the main purpose for a smart phone. In fact, many people who own smart phones use it for everything BUT talking. The days of phones connected to cords (gasp!) or the once-fashionable flip phones are becoming obsolete. Phones are not designed to hold us back by forcing us to stay in one room to talk or use the T9 feature to text. Smart phones are way too smart for such limitations.

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