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Today is January 17, 2013. On page 346, read the “Witness History” and prepare to answer questions about it.

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Presentation on theme: "Today is January 17, 2013. On page 346, read the “Witness History” and prepare to answer questions about it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today is January 17, 2013. On page 346, read the “Witness History” and prepare to answer questions about it.

2 Describe how the kings of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai built strong empires. TODAY’S ACTIVITIES Lecture/notes: You will be taking notes from a PowerPoint while referring to your book and paraphrasing parts of it. Close Read: Primary source document Listen for directions

3 Trade in the Sahara Increase in agriculture in the savannas leads to a surplus Farming villages trade their surplus for manufactured goods and luxuries from towns Most important goods – salt and gold – ON page 347, read this section (2 minutes) – What is this about?

4 Ghana Find Ghana on a map on page 347 How did the salt/gold trade make the king rich? Cities of splendor – what does this tell us? How did Islam affect this region?

5 Mali Sundiata founds the empire – date? Greatest ruler – Mansa Musa – Enlarged kingdom – Converted to Islam – System of justice based on Quran Mansa Musa’s Hajj Timbuktu

6 Empire of Songhai 15 th century – largest empire ever in West Africa Askia Mohammad set up Muslim dynasty, organized a new bureaucracy Attacks from the north weaken the empire

7 Other Societies Benin Known for their bronze work (see page 351 Hausa Large independent cities with manufacturing

8 SUNDIATA: Primary Source 1.This is a dialog between two kings: Sundiata, who is defending his kingdom and Soumaoro, who has invaded. 2.Read thru once, looking for words you don’t know. We will discuss them. 3.Read thru again, then answer the questions on the bottom of the paper. (You can write the answers on the back of the paper.)

9 Vocabulary List 11a ACADEMIC VOCABULARY perilousparcheddevoured domesticateddeities CHAPTER VOCABULARY Saharasavannacataract desertification BantuNubia Meroësurpluscommodity GhanaSundiataMali Mansa MusaSonghai

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