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The Rise of the Byzantine Empire. Warm UP!!! Did YOU Know?!? Pogonophobia is the fear of beards!

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Presentation on theme: "The Rise of the Byzantine Empire. Warm UP!!! Did YOU Know?!? Pogonophobia is the fear of beards!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rise of the Byzantine Empire

2 Warm UP!!!

3 Did YOU Know?!? Pogonophobia is the fear of beards!

4 World History  Best Beard Competition!!!!

5 Best Beard??

6 The Next Contestant…?

7 Last But Not Least…!?

8 Introduction As the Western Roman Empire crumbled, the Eastern Roman Empire flourished. —Emperor Constantine relocated the capital of the Roman Empire to Constantinople, adding to the success of the Eastern Roman Empire. —“Rule of Four”- One ruler and successor were chosen for each part of the Roman Empire.

9 Introduction, Cont’d The Eastern Roman Empire is renamed the Byzantine Empire, or Byzantium. —B—Byzantium can be referred to as ‘New Rome’, centered in modern - day Turkey. —T—The Byzantine Empire will exist for the next 1,000 years until conquered by the Ottoman Empire in 1453.

10 Location of Constantinople Emperor Constantine chose Constantinople (originally Byzantium) as the capital and cultural center of the Byzantine Empire for its location. —Located on the Bosporus Strait on the Black Sea. —Included territory from Greece in the west, Egypt in the South, and Persia in the east.

11 Location of Constantinople, Cont’d

12 The Byzantine Empire

13 —C—Constantinople provided: oNoNatural crossroads for trade, linking trade between the two continents of Europe and Asia. CConstantinople links both the Eastern and Western worlds. CControls the access to the Mediterranean Sea. SSeas and oceans provided natural defenses, allowing Constantinople to fortify (protection from invaders). CConstantinople was geographically distant from the Germanic tribes that led to the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

14 Role of Constantinople Constantinople (Byzantine Empire) will preserve classical Greco- Roman culture and heritage. —C—Continue some traditions of the Western Roman Empire, while incorporating past Greek culture. oEoEmperors will speak Latin, but the people will speak Greek. oAoAdoption of Christianity as the official religion. oAoArchitecture oCoContinuing traditions of Roman Law (Justinian’s Code) Latin!!

15 Role of Constantinople, Cont’d Serve as the center of trade, linking the continents of Europe and Asia with Northern Africa. Strongly fortified by strong walls and a large navy. Constantinople will be an influential, rich city that is more prosperous and safer than any city in the west until it is conquered by the Ottomans in 1453.

16 Did YOU Know?!? Over one million stray dogs live in the New York City metropolitan area. The average office desk has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet. The odds of seeing three albino deer at one are one in seventy-nine billion, yet one man in Boulder Junction, Wisconsin, took a picture of three albino deer in the woods.

17 Justinian the Great Justinian the Great ruled the Byzantine Empire from 527 – 565 and was the most influential Byzantine Emperor. Goals of Justinian: —Recreate the past and bring back the ‘glory days’ of Rome. —Win back the lands taken by outside invaders during the fall of the West. —Reform Roman law. Rome

18 Justinian the Great (cont.) Military and Expansion of the Byzantine Empire — Justinian was able to regain territories taken by the Ostrogoths (in Italy), Visigoths (in southern Spain), and Vandals (in North Africa). — Defeated the Persians and secured the borders in the East. — These military conquests were costly in man power and in wealth.

19 Code of Justinian —Justinian wanted to reform former Roman law (Twelve Tables) by putting laws in a logical order and getting rid of laws that were obsolete or contradictory. —Goal ⇒ Establish a fair and efficient government throughout the empire. —Result!! = Code of Justinian o A single, uniform code of laws that all must follow in the Byzantine Empire. o The Code of Justinian will influence many future European legal codes (laws).

20 Expansion of Trade Linked the Western to Eastern world. Goods came to Constantinople from China on the Silk Road (silk, porcelain, paper). Goods were then bought and sold as they passed into Europe. – Commodities such as Byzantine crafts, Persian carpets, and Chinese silks passed from Constantinople through Italian trading centers and into Western Europe. Western World Eastern World

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