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Chapter 10 Developing Careers Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. All rights reserved.

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1 Chapter 10 Developing Careers Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. All rights reserved.

2 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Templer Cattaneo De Cenzo Robbins John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd What Is a Career? Pattern of work-related experiences spanning a person’s lifetime Today’s employees and organizations have diverse needs Organizations and individuals may have conflicting interests

3 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Templer Cattaneo De Cenzo Robbins John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd Career Development vs Employee Development Career Development: Career Development: Long-term career effectiveness of organizational personnel Employee Development: Employee Development: Performance in the immediate or intermediate time frames

4 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Templer Cattaneo De Cenzo Robbins John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd Career Development: Value for the Organization Ensures needed talent will be available Improves organization’s ability to attract and retain talent Ensures opportunities for women and minorities Reduces employee frustration Enhances cultural diversity Promotes organizational goodwill

5 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Templer Cattaneo De Cenzo Robbins John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd Career Development: Value for the Individual External success External success measured by promotions, occupation, long-term commitment, income Internal success Internal success measured by meaningfulness of work and achievement of personal goals

6 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Templer Cattaneo De Cenzo Robbins John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd Career Stages Exploration (school and early work experience)Establishment (search for work, first job)Mid-Career (performance may improve, plateau, or decline) Late Career (life off the job increases in importance)

7 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Templer Cattaneo De Cenzo Robbins John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd Stages in Career Development

8 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Templer Cattaneo De Cenzo Robbins John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd Holland Vocational Preferences Six vocational themes: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, conventional Preferences can be matched with work environments

9 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Templer Cattaneo De Cenzo Robbins John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd The Schein Anchors Personal value clusters determine what’s important to individuals Success of person-job match determines satisfaction/frustration

10 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Templer Cattaneo De Cenzo Robbins John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd Problem-Solving Style

11 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Templer Cattaneo De Cenzo Robbins John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd Helping Employees Make Career Decisions Be aware of employee’s skills, abilities, and preferences Assess whether preferences lie in technical or managerial areas Take into account the employee’s life stage Encourage exploration and opportunity Honestly present opportunities for growth inside and outside the organization

12 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Templer Cattaneo De Cenzo Robbins John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd Contemporary Issues in Career Development Both husband and wife have distinct careers outside the home Stress from multiple roles, competition within relationship, time pressures Management can help employees with scheduling and role definition Dual-Career Couples

13 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Templer Cattaneo De Cenzo Robbins John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd Career opportunities for surviving employees include: Contemporary Issues in Career Development Downsizing and Careers Job enlargement Newly defined career paths Raises or paycuts

14 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Templer Cattaneo De Cenzo Robbins John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd Toward More Effective Organizational Career Development Challenging initial job assignments Career counselling Career development workshops Continuing education and training Periodic job changes Multiple career tracks Professional associations Mentor-protégé relationships Supportive environment

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